Mental health - please take care of it

The cold, the darkness, and the holidays make this time of year tough for way more people than we realize. Getting out of work and already seeing the sun setting taxes your body and soul. Not skating as often puts a damper on one of our favorite hobbies. Content here slows and we usually start arguing amongst eachother around January.

Chat it up about random shit on the telegram chat or even the public chat here. People need to socialize this time of year more than ever because we all collectively have less fun.


It’s Movember, boys.
I’m growing a mo to support men’s health :call_me_hand:


This is a fundamental part of the problem. I’m not slagging you for saying this, as I do it too,I don’t think you believe people reaching out for help are nut jobs,I think you’re engaging in self deprecating humor, BUT a you are in a way invalidating your problem. Don’t trivialize it, it takes a lot of courage to mention suicidal ideation,anywhere. So regardless of what the issue is,it’s valid,there is no shame in it,if you had a different LIFE THREATENING ILLNESS,you wouldn’t treat it this way. I’m not giving out to you here,I’m not criticizing you,but the attitude you and I and all men seem to have. “Haha,he is too depressed to work today “( implying he isn’t a man if he needs mental help)

Mental health issues are life threatening,they deserve attention,and the same gravity as any other issue.

Now I’ll fuck off back to my cave :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Perhaps your are more “ manly” for dealing with your problem because you don’t want it to hurt your loved ones? And it’s easier to do nothing than admit you need help? Just a thought. I’m going out for therapy now,I wish it wasn’t so cold out there my remote hands gonna freeze


Ive been struggling with mental health as well, and i love this forum to be able to read,inform and entertain myself. Im not getting an esk8 until i can fully pay for the hobby and the safety.

With how things are in my life, reading through various threads or slowly tackling the big ones can always distract me from whatever it is going on until im able to ride like the rest


My physical ailments also mean that i have to est once a day. If you are healthy its not the status quo


I know it’s blasphemy here in the diy sphere, but the cheap boards coming out of Asia are imho totally great for what they are and super fun to carve on. What they lack in quality they more than make up for in fun times. Something in the 400-1000 range from mepo/exway/backfire etcetera are impossible to build at that price point and also (distinctly my opinion only) are a pretty good value if treat them kindly and charge them under supervision (i have disassembled 3 meepo batteries and anecdotally decently made)

Lower barrier for entry ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I couldn’t agree more, my most reliable board is a zealot (also the only board that wasn’t built by me but hey)
That I bought used for $400
There was a guy on this forum who documented deck swapping a zealot that, if I recall correctly had somewhere in the range of 2k miles on it, which is far and above what should be expected of any $600-700 board.
I love my DIYs, nothing rivals the power, smoothness, and versatility that is all combined in VESC but;

I love to see people get into the hobby and boards that are competent for under $1000 absolutely get MORE people into this hobby.

2k mile zealot:


They are made exactly as they should be to target the intro/beginner riders. They do a solid job with just not-enough speed to tease you into addiction. The price points are so reasonable compared to diy that it’s no wonder so many people here come from prebuilts and still keep them as back up boards. I hate the companies usually but I don’t hate the riders for finding a cheap way to get into the stoke. If they dip their toes in and love it, awesome! Buy a faster one or build it. If they don’t love it, they’re not out 2-4 thousand.


So I’m not the only person who views risking my life on an esk8 qualifies as mental health care :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

My god damed 14th concussion is fucking with my already shit relationship with words, spelling, grammar FUCK!!!


Brother that is not good. What do you do to heal from these concussions? Are you taking any mental support vitamins/minerals at least?

Future skatedad needs someone to thank!


This is what got me, got a 1000w hub motor kif from amazon, used it up, got a mepo prebuilt, used it up, built my first 100% diy from fresh ingredients… now i am thoroughly lost in the sauce. Definitely building to ride though - that endorphin hit from just barely holding it a max throttle on freshie open asphalt or pumping through hard curves and carves keeps me sane. I drive around alot for work and always drop pins when i find new trails and roads.



You already are hitting future @Sk8tedad with sore joints and bruised feet, best to keep your future brain at least as good as it is now.

Seriously though concussion recovery is a wound that needs tending same as a broken bone or pulled whatever - just harder to see and can lead to the same sort of longer term consequences.

Wish there was as much research for covid brain recovery as concussions - i am super vaccinated but have a high exposure risk because of work and small kids and the last bout (of three so far) hit me with that permanent stupid stick. It’s been 8 months and I know im not 100% back. They’re going to look back in history and compare it to lead poisoning i think. Im definitely higher strung/quicker to get frustrated than before on top of it turning my normal adhd into super adhd that no longer responds well to medication. :sweat_smile:


Yeah fucking with head injuries is not good. I lost a major amount of my math capabilities & it took like a year to get most of it back, & also completely fucking lost 2 years of Russian language in which I was semi-fluent for casual daily conversations. That never came back, though I didn’t really go out of my way to work on it. Probably forever fucked at this point. I’m not too bothered by it, but I presume for some the idea of completely losing a language you’d learned might be a bit intense. I don’t think the concussion left me unconscious for more than like 30 seconds, and it only took 15 minutes for me to become lucid again.


Tell me how you got them to get you meds ? Both my kids get it, Kaiser will not hear of it. I have a complex set of issues to be sure, but if I could get the add under control, God it would it help!!

To be fair I’m a 20 year opiate mantince patient, they are terrified after 2 decades I’ll suddenly swerve off the path if I get add meds I guess

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I had just got approved to teach Thai boxing as a side hustle, I was told in no uncertain terms. STOP sparring.! Me “ what if I wear head gear?”

“ You don’t wear head gear?!?! No more getting hit in the head period!” Well fuck me

Plus I have arthritis in my spine, wrist and shoulders. Although they saw the alien thing trying to escape my shoulder and got excited about fixing it. Don’t ask for pics of this, you were warned. Just imagine my collar bone looks like an alien head that is 55% out of my skin

I spend a week wit zero stimulation, no device, no reading, just an audio book if I can get away with it basically a dark room I’m

I did get an mri because we were watching for a brain bleed

Oh and I’m in a CTE study now

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Omega 3s, B vitamins, C vitamins, and others wouldn’t hurt! Just a multi vitamin in general would be helpful for most.

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I think N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) has been show to clinically significantly improve recovery in TBIs. Like, definitely something one should be taking.