Information about the drive
This thread has been a long time coming, and so has the testing…
3GD means 3 gear drive - the drive has 3 gears…
2.42 ratio with options to adjust ratio easily.
$250 (dual drive) retail (comes with extra gears)
Possible budget 3GD with a 3d printed case
Modular of course

Material Selections and Technical Information
Information as it stands:
All gears are produced traditionally using a hobbing machine.
- Driven Gear - C45 Steel
- Idler - PA6 Nylon but also considering steel - with an integrated 6200-ZZ SKF Bearing
- Motor gear - C45 Steel with 3x m3 grubscrews and keyway , one grubscrew above the keyway. 8mm bore
CNC Components
6061 T6 Aluminium:
- Gearbox case
- Gear plate
- Wheel Adapters
- Clamps
V-Rings - Yet to decide what size.
Current Ratio - 2.42 with adjustable ratios planned for the future (2.62,2.83)
This drive was designed specifically for all types of street setups, I am working towards a drive that is compatible with all popular trucks and wheels on the market. These include:
- Surfrodz TKP
- HexXL is in the works
- Surfrodz RKP (pressfit clamp) - use 90mm shoulder bolts
- TB 218mm - Clamp is being designed
Wheels - Compatible Wheels 78-110mm urethane wheels
Kegel Core
Cobra Core - Venom Mach 1 Wheels 78mm 6.5mm clearance
Seismic Speed Vent Core - Ill be riding on this, likely that I am the only person who rides these wheels so keeping that part 3d printed for the time being.
I had fun making this GIF
Testing price $195 - I have already selected my testers right now (had a lot of PMs already about testing, it was hard to select 4 other people to test. @mmaner was obviously my first choice
$250 Retail
Full drive with no compromises on quality, aluminium case and 2 spare idler gears in case any break
Options to make a budget version for the futur
My plan is to supply gears drives with extra gears, so spare idlers in this case.
How wide is this damn thing?
Around the same width as a 15mm belt drive, with plans to save a few mm in the future
Can replacement gears be purchased
Yes of course
Anodising options?
Likely that I will keep the whole thing black. Testing units will be raw for the most part.
Benefits of the 3GD
- Wheel clearance - You are given the opportunity to use smallers wheels or have better wheel clearance, something you cannot achieve with other 2 gear urethane drives
- TB 110ms 22mm~
- 107mms 20.5mm~
- 85mm wheels 10mm~
- 97mm wheels 15.5mm~
You can mount these drives as you would with a belt drive, as narrow as you want and in either direction. Something that cannot be done with other gear drives on the market because of motors colliding with kingpins and bushing seats.
Theory - The idler acts like fuse - more to be explained later
Drawbacks of the 3GD?
- Additional parts that are prone to failure
- Higher cost
Can this work with Bergmeisters or other pneumatics? -
Yes but the ratio might not be ideal, I’d refer you to my all terrain gear drive instead. I will make a thread for that too.
The mounting plate
The case
Clamps - Pressfit Surf Rodz, two grub screws for additional security, especially for TKP
To do list
Design a nice TKP and Caliber 218mm clamp
Machine Kegel adapters
Try out different seals
Ride the damn thing - I will be riding with a 10S2P 30T , 177MM TKP, Seismic Speed Vent, Single SK3 6374 140KV
Try out different materials for the idler
Play around with different types of fastners