IWonder Pulley for HUB motors

Pulley For HUB Motor!


How thick is that axle? don’t say 8mm


I don’t get why you call it pulley, it’s adapters isn’t it?
Looking good but I really hope you tested it for weeks because without axle this could be a death trap.


We have tested it, but now we need some interested users to test it


Which hubs does it fil?

If you would like to participate in the test, please send the photos and models of your hub motor skateboard in the comments below, and we will select the testers to participate.

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I don’t have HUBs, just thought people would need to know before applying :slight_smile:
Best wishes for the new product

A little liadrenaline kick then. That’s what makes my heart pump.

@Hide I got a Meepo v2 board with replaceble sleevs. Wouldn’t be surprised if most of ur buyers run something similar to this. 90Kg rider in cold, wet and salty northern Scandinavia.
I have different vesc and batteries to test with.


these are my hubz, although i’m not sure they’ll work with your adapter. that’s just dirt in the photo, no chunks in the 'thane

I have a Wowgo 3 with AE board, 800 watt, 105mm, AX2 hubs and I am interested in giving your hub drive pulleys a thorough test.

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@Hide I’ve got these hubs I can test them on. As you can tell from the pictures I’ve put a lot of miles on them.

Guys, you may also need a larger front truck because the adapters will push the weels far to the sides (as you may have noticed :stuck_out_tongue: )


TB218’S should do the trick.


Most of the Forum members have more than 1st of trucks is my guess.

Good call @DavidF, I would not want to run with that much offset on the rear. I have a 220mm truck that would work well up front.

Where do you buy these?!?!?

I have a Backfire G2T to try it out on.

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I have a meepo v3 and would love to test

the entire cloud wheel is held on by 6 m3 (or m4?) screws that was meant to hold the cover plate?
Are you guys for reals?


That’s why they need to be tested. It could very well be a terrible idea. Btw they’re m4.