Introducing the BKB Xenith

He will probably just not populate half the fets (there are two parallel) it will only save like $10 but if you omit the ble module also you start getting closer to where you need to be price wise. It won’t push much current though.


Don’t give him any more ideas Jeffro :wink:

I feel like that would just result in more warranty/failures in the long run given how people expect/push these, yeah?


How soon would these be shipped out once bought?

They will begin shipping on Monday, the last couple of days have been spent inspecting each unit and testing them. New orders will likely ship mid week


So, how‘s progress with group buy/distribution for Europe going?

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+1 here

Every solder joint is checked, fair example of why:


Curious, what you do in this case? Do you refuse it or do you fix it?


This is one of the Zeniths?
Lets see some pictures of the piles of these things going through the QC.
Do you have a fancy box for these to go in or do they come as is?
What is in the package for these? Does it include the annoying little weird sized JST that is used for ppm for example? Edit, just seen on your website. Cool weird adaptor lead included.


Thanks for the link.
It has been closed already

Why is Australia with an EU tag?

Will @EboardSolutions source these?

The aussie group has been closed already, not the EU one, you may have clicked the wrong link :wink:

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Although that looks crappy, I’ve seen worse from flipsky. Was surprised too when I found it, cause I know for a fact I was running 100amps through that connection. Its surprising how much current bad connections can handle for a few moments. And because we generally only use high power for a few moments, these bad connections usualy go undetected.

Yes, in this case the connector was removed and a new one was added (the XT60 was bad).

No fancy box, just a bubble bag. I don’t have any photos of the QC process as most of them are done

Here’s some completed ones :slight_smile:


Nice to see you’re concentrating on other things than pretty boxes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The other end of the mt60/button/own adapter comes with still right?

how exactly do you check for this on every unit? :thinking: To see this you would have to cut the heat shrink off. If the joint is fine you would then need to unsolder the connector to get more heatskrink back on.


good thing is that most of the DIYers will change out to XT90 and bullet connectors.

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This is exciting -well done @BuildKitBoards !

I am still a bit skeptical on the unity design for 1 reason: the builtin anti-spark switch. I believe it is what has failed on both my unities -one failed closed, other failed open. I have no idea how easy it is to repair, but I recommend everyone to use a separate one. Too bad there is no space to fit one easily on my R2 enclosure.

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@BuildKitBoards any option for a plug less Xenith? It’s 8 solder joints you don’t have to check and we don’t have to damage connectors and curb our fingers removing them