Introducing the BKB Xenith

Yes, in this case the connector was removed and a new one was added (the XT60 was bad).

No fancy box, just a bubble bag. I don’t have any photos of the QC process as most of them are done

Here’s some completed ones :slight_smile:


Nice to see you’re concentrating on other things than pretty boxes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The other end of the mt60/button/own adapter comes with still right?

how exactly do you check for this on every unit? :thinking: To see this you would have to cut the heat shrink off. If the joint is fine you would then need to unsolder the connector to get more heatskrink back on.


good thing is that most of the DIYers will change out to XT90 and bullet connectors.

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This is exciting -well done @BuildKitBoards !

I am still a bit skeptical on the unity design for 1 reason: the builtin anti-spark switch. I believe it is what has failed on both my unities -one failed closed, other failed open. I have no idea how easy it is to repair, but I recommend everyone to use a separate one. Too bad there is no space to fit one easily on my R2 enclosure.

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@BuildKitBoards any option for a plug less Xenith? It’s 8 solder joints you don’t have to check and we don’t have to damage connectors and curb our fingers removing them


Mcmastercarr sells “wrap around heatshrink”, maybe thats what he uses? :man_shrugging:


I think he just asks the factory to not shrink the heatshrink :rofl:


Thats probably it :sweat_smile:

It’s called work. I’m not afraid if it, and that’s what people are paid to do.

Sadly, this was a midnight thought and I forgot to tell them. Next batch for sure


so your saying your re-shrinking every single connector on every first batch zenith?


Exactly what happened: I hit the wrong link…
Thanks for clarifying.
EU group buy / distribution

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[quote="[EU] Xenith Group Buy, post:1, topic:46696"]
Aussie GB thread

Bummer missed out…
@glyphiks if anyone pulls out I will go backup.

I ordered extras but they got snapped up too :rofl: sorry dude

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any orders from Stafford Brisbane? (JAYPO)

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: i don’t think so.

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Just purchased, thanks!

Would this benefit from an antispark (like Flipsky’s), or does it have that sort of protection built in?

Unity has a built in antispark, use that until it fails (fails open usually) then get a better antispark like Flipsky


It has a built in antispark… that has a reputation for failing

Build in a loop key as well. That way if the switch ever fails, at least you can still power the board on and off.