Introduce Yourself and Share Your Plans (SERIOUS)

mes parent sont francais. mon pere d’Orleans et ma mere est Parisienne.

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Check out all of @b264’s build threads. All weather proofed short boards with a kick tail. He’s a bit anal but he gets the job done.

Take that as you will :wink:


That’s exactly the amount of French I am still able to understand 6 years after finishing high school :joy:


Oi bois. I’m rob. 15. I built my board about 8 months ago, and am looking to build it up during this holiday season to rip around in spring, I need ‘veterans’ opinions considering trucks, voltage, deck size and material, and wheel size in my effort to renovate and upgrade my build, all while on a budget. I just need to learn to open a thread real quick, but idk how to cause I just made an account and I’m on my phone.


Hey Rob-

I bumped you up a level so you can post now. You’ll get the most help by posting your questions in the noob thread, however.

Happy holidays and welcome!

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Right in my tender heart.


Hello. My name is Robbie. I am a machinist by trade, tinkerer by hobby, amateur engineer and in my opinion a professional solderer. You know what they say about opinions though! Lol. I 3d print as well, I water cooled my printer to enable high temp printing (Ultem 1000, and PC). I also have an adrenaline addiction and a love of all board sports, so with that I built a E-mountainboard that could get thrashed on. Everything on my board is meant to be easily replaced and quickly in the event of failure, from esc’s to mechanical parts its about a 5 minute fix for everything that can fail, if I have that part on hand. I made my motor mounts and designed everything on my board so far. I have built two boards so far, as well as helped my brother make an electric longboard that rips. My brother and I grew up skateboarding so we are a bit rough on boards, in fact that is why I made my own motor mounts. I bend any aluminium mount plate that I have tried, so I switched over to a 17-4 S.S. plate and truck clamp. Its a bit heavy, but hefty, and oh so rigid like a proper motor mount should be. I have jumped my board off an about chest high drop on cement, and gotten about 10ft high jumps on a grass field with no issues so far. I have not seen anyone get too rowdy as far as jumps go, so I have been compiling video to show people what they can really do with a rigid motor setup. Footy will be coming soon! I’m looking forward to learning with you guys, as well as contribute where I can, though I’m not too into posting on social media.

Edited For the peeps who get their ego involved. Lol. looking forward to meeting some of ya in person.


37 posts were merged into an existing topic: Welcome to Derail Jail

8 posts were split to a new topic: RobbieP and his new friends

Hey guys! I just found this forum after following a bunch of Facebook groups. I’m excited to put together my first DIY board after owning a boosted v2. Awesome community. You guys can really build!!!


Welcome! I bumped your account so you’re not limited on messaging. Hit me up in a private message if you have any questions.


Thanks Bill!


welcome. where you located?
thoughts on first DIY build?


Located in San Antonio, Texas. I got an switchblade deck and enclosure combo and it looks like I’m going to do a dual 6374 setup. Looking at gear drives rn.
3d Servisas seems to be the best reviewed:)


They’re very nice, but also check out @moon drives and the herringbone from @avX

Great time to be interested in gear drives.


Awesome :+1: will do




Hey, another new guy here. Looking to learn more about electric skateboards and eventually build one. Right now I have a Revel Kit on a Loaded Bhangra. I added the Waterborne surf adapter and 107 mm Abec wheels. The board is really a lot of fun. Just looking to Carve my local streets with it so speed isn’t an important aspect. The Surf adapter allows fantastic turnability. As a beat up old surfer that is really what I’m shooting for.
I’m planning on probably two more boards since my son and his friends enjoy the board and I would like a board capable of some urban off road riding.
I’m looking at one of the Trampa electric carve boards as one possibility. As a newbie I like their site. I’ve learned a few things from it. I like having the ability to see the different components available for a build. This looks like a great place to learn and I’m looking forward to learning and hopefully contributing.


Hi Paul-

Good to have you. I bumped your account so you won’t be limited in messaging. Frank from Trampa comes in to share knowledge and engage in sprited discussions here if you have a question or two for him.

Let me know in a personal message if you have any questions, and welcome!


Thank you Bill. I think my venture into eboarding is going to be a lot of fun.