Hummie hubs Kickstarter

Ok :partying_face: you mean before the end of this week you ship the whole package to me!? :heart_eyes:

Is it still possible to buy from you the whole bolt kit to attach the battery box to the deck?

There must be some hubs out in the wild now? I havn’t heard anyone say anything yet…
Still waiting on my pair.

Can anyone who recieved thiers give a brief review :eyes:

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I think @Linny did a build with the hummie hubs.

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Yup, I rode it. Pretty impressed with the power and the corner feel.



Are there people still waiting for their hubs?

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I’ve temporarily set it up with a 10s2p Sanyo 20700 and a Xenith. Even on 80A motor max and motor brake, this is STRONG.


I’ve gotten the large majority out. Still some in Europe I need to finish n get out

I’m surprised I never see or hear anything about what I sent


Yeah, I would have thought there would be more reports as well. Sorry to say this, but given how long it’s taken, you really should get them all finished and sent out.


Yea I know it’s been ages. It ended up being a big money/time hole with so many unforeseen problems.


I got sent a phot of a set that a lucky UK resident has received. He has the last gen also to compare them to.


Amazing job @hummieee!

I didn’t realize the hubs were huge!

I wanted 4WD but as John advised me I’ll stick to 2WD. :wink:


Does that mean you have a spare set of hubs to sell? :smirk:


Spare part to keep and build another 2wd!

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Hummies on a Hummie is the stuff legends are made of.

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thanks for your support guys.

I still have some motors to ship to eu but otherwise theyre all out. if they show well I plan to get a batch made abroad by a biz I know well so not my lazy slow self doing anything other than final assembly.

the tire and hanger molds were made through the kickstarter so be a shame not to continue.

i have a lot of decks and wheels still. Message me if youre interested


For the decks - maybe setup a simple Shopify site and post to the other groups like Discord, Facebook, Reddit? They are great decks but it’s probably the combination of having to PM to order, and the smallish forum group that explains why they aren’t moving that fast. Maybe partnering with a fiberglass enclosure guy and offering that would help too.


@BigBen made this beautiful fiberglass enclosure at the time!

This Hummie stuff deserves to be sold more. Quality is awesome. The guy is very nice. No marketing shit.

He’s like @nowind from E-TOXX : talented engeenering poet.

By the way, @Hummieee sells his own enclosures.


Will you consider making narrower hangers that make the total width 10 inches like the standard longboards? How wide is the default?

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I’m one of the people in the EU still waiting. It has been a long journey, I will be happy to give some feedback if they arrive.

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Yea I’m super slow I’m sorry. I’ll put in a lot of hours this weekend.

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