Forum Adjustments and Updates

Sure. I will put some feelers out.


Good idea, but we lack the tools to do this. Discourse is awesome, but there’s like 10 things I would change about it tomorrow.


Maybe its good to have a poll system or something in place. Im not very much affected by this change but it would be good for people to see the issue and make a vote in a thread somewhere.

For example @mmaner had the problem with people selling and bailing so he compiles info, puts his story about this in a thread and proposing a (temporary) solution wirh a yay-nay voting for lets say 2 days, once its closed results, maybe also good to see for people where the mods stand or do it anonymous.


I don’t like commenting on issues like this simply because I don’t feel like I post enough for my opinions to hold enough weight, but I’ve been in and out of various gaming forums for years. Never have participated in one that didn’t have an edit button. It’s always a base functionality that I’ve until it was taken away for a bit, I just assumed was part of any functional forum.

This is probably not gonna be a popular opinion, but if the forum software lacks a decent option for restricting edits to certain categories without just removing it from entire ranks, maybe sales threads out to be removed entirely from the main forum. Maybe a subdomain ought to be used with a more comprehensive buy/sell/trade system. Imo, traditional forum formatting doesn’t lend itself particularly well to buying and selling. I regularly participate over on the r/hardwareswap subreddit which isn’t laid out as a fantastic marketplace, but they’ve got a bot powered reputation system, set guidelines for post titles, and rule systems with moderators in place for disputes. A similar system should really be considered if post editing and deletion are a serious concern here.


Just to add some fuel for thought:

Subreddits like /entexchange use a system where people can validate the trades / sales / etc that they do through moderators, and it’s a decent system.

Unfortunately it won’t stop major vendors from pulling a Hyperion, since they’ll have built up a reputation before ‘cashing out’, but itll certainly add a layer of protection for the users who sell a few used / unwanted parts.

Photos for clarification:

The only downside to it would be more work for the moderators…

(And adding an additional text field for the user profiles… But I don’t see that being too difficult? )


This is exactly what I requested here. Didn’t get ANY traction. :skull: :skull:


Fuck you for having good ideas, I guess :sunglasses::fu:

/s… Clearly


If it results in a better system, worth the effort.

Totally missed this. Apologies. Feel free to tag me or another mod in the future with things like this.

I see no reason why this can’t be a part of our resource tools. Accountability is good.


No worries on my end. You can pretty much guarantee that I’m never riled up in my postings. Well except for the firmware 5 duty cycle current limit post. I’m still pissed about that default setting.


can’t mods delete posts without flagging?


I’m not going to step into the personally fueled freight train of an argument that is happening above, but a moderator should be given the same ability to flag a post as a user can. However, they should not be given the opportunity to act upon the flag. That should be the task for a different moderator.

Though you make a valid point that exceptions exist, and there should be an ‘executive decision’ option.

Unfortunately we don’t have the ability to customize and restructure the system we were given with discourse :man_shrugging:t2:

Might be repeating what one of you two has already said but I can’t be bothered to read your spat 8)


I misunderstood the situation, slightly. I am sorry that I accused Mike of ‘actioning’ something rather than just being the person that flagged it. I do not consent to him trying to ‘keep me out of trouble’.

I went to ask questions about it, privately, and Mike got defensive and left the PM in a huff. That lead me to draw an incorrect assumption, but I was trying to have a conversation to avoid that in the first place.

I’ve created a PM for just you two guys. Please take it in there.

When I didnt wanna do that right now you went public with your accusation, instead of being patient and reasonable. Which oddly enough, is what you demand from everyone else.

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I would rather not. The accusation against me was made in a public venue. I would prefer to defend myself in the same public venue.

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This topic was automatically opened after 11 hours.

Hi friends.

Blacklist downloading local copies from thoughts?


I think it’s a good idea.


Sorry, lot of activity elsewhere and spaced this. Good idea. I’ll do it now.

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