This guy could use a hand:
I am trying to setup a Unity for the first time. I have tried with it connected via the Android app and with USB-C on my PC. When I try to change the config to 12S and increase the amperage and then I hit “write configuration” it does not seem to write correctly. When I read it back it reverts to 10S and the default battery amps. I updated to FW 23.46 - Any suggestions?
I got stuck like this randomly once. Reflashing the 23.46 firmware fixed it immediately. Annoying to redo settings though. The vesc tool let’s you store profiles and recall them which is nice.
I tried updating the firmware several times and the problems persists. Is this what you mean by re-flashing the firmware?
that use to happen to me a lot, I had some luck doing a read first before setup/making changes. I unplugged my metr pro and made changes with the stock blue tooth… that worked a couple of times. also kill background apps on my phone…that also worked for me a few times. that same Unity is now running fw 5.1, no more hanging.
I updated the firmware a few more times, closed all other apps and I am able to save my settings, hitting write twice after each change seems to be the trick to getting it to work my computer.
But now I am having another issue. The wheels are not spinning up to full speed. When I hit the throttle the HUD panel says I am pulling around 50 amps per side but only around 4 volts. The pack is reading close to 50 volts. Has this happened to anyone while bench testing? Is this just unloaded behavior for the Unity? I am using a VX1 and it is controlling the motors, just very slowly.
EDIT: not sure what was going on with the Unity UI. I flashed with VESC tool 2.06 and everything is running as it should.
first thing i would do is make sure the remote is calibrated correctly…maybe somebody with more knowledge will chime in on that one.
It is a VX1 running on UART, nothing to really calibrate. It has the pinout for 4.xx. This remote worked with a pair of 4.12s and it is working with the Unity on firmware 5.xx - Maybe it was an incompatibility between the VX1 and Unity 23.46 firmware? I should have tried a PPM remote, but I am just happy it is working now.
Focbox Unity and Flipsky Vx2 Pro.
All is working as expected except I do not get battery status for the board.
I did order the correct unit and I suppose since I can control the board I got the right one. So What am I missing? Why can I not see anything in the battery indicator?
Use the Focbox tool, you can set sensored mode for both motors in there.
Need help.
So my board was acting funny today. I was about to go for a ride and it didn’t turn on. I opened it up and ripped off the hot glue that I had added on the connector the other day, pull out the connector and plugged it back in. The board turned on, I bolted the enclosure back on and went to ride, 2 miles in after some bumps and small cracks the board turned off. I bent down and pressed the button and it turned back on. This is when I decided to end the ride and headed back to the car, it shut off one more time before I got to the car.
At the office now and open up the board again, when I push the momentary button, the button no longers lights up, and the unity doesn’t turn on. I see a white light on the ESC turn on, then after a second or two it turns off.
Anyone know what the issue may be here? ESC or just the button? I went ahead and ordered a new button to check hope someone has some insight
Here’s a video of what’s happening @Deodand what do you think is the issue? Board has about 200 miles on it.
MCU seems like it’s not latching the board on. Are you able to connect to it if you hold the momentary button in?
nope. I held the button down and that white light turns on then off the same way. So probably not something as simple as swapping in a new button might? Is this something @JohnnyMeduse can fix?
Damaged mcu is a pretty challenging repair. The 100 pin package is tucked in next to all the connectors. @JohnnyMeduse will have to comment.
This is less of a Unity issue and more based on new FW5.xx and my own negligence. I believe due to how FW5.xx handles dual controllers that my amps limits in my metr modes were essentially doubled for a period of time.
Based on my findings in the VESC app and Metr, I was pulling 120 amps when I should have been pulling 60 max. I changed the values to the appropriate 30/30 split per side and every thing is fine. I am surprised my battery seems fine, although I suppose the spikes in power draw were relatively short.
Just a PSA for those switching to the new FW5.xx, check those values!!!
EDIT: referring to battery amps, motor amps were applied “per motor” as usual
Is this motor amps setting? If so, do you put desired amps per side?
Edited above, thank you for catching my ambiguity.
Alright it wasn’t the button. But maybe something with the stock Bluetooth module? New questions though since I have depended on the Enertion app setting up my boards for the past two years.
Long question short. Using old METR module AFTER setting things up with VESC Tool. METR app show setting for vesc 1 different from Vesc 2. And erpm was set to 100k. I should change that back to 65k right?
I posted here:
IIRC Unity was tested up to 130k erpm so you shouldn’t have anything to worry about