where can i buy a new on/off button now that enertion is bankrupt?
u think its internal?
If when you plug it in the unit comes on when the button is unplugged then yes, the internal anti-spark has failed.
so basically im fucked then, no one here in norway or nordic contries doing these kinda repairs, and even if they did, they would def charge easily 239 USD wich is asking price of a dual flipsky 6,6 plus?
Why not just start using your loop key as your on/off switch?
This is a recurrent story of every esk8 builder worldwide, some parts are so slow/difficult to get that you spend a third of the time building your rig, a third of the time making repairs and a third of the time actually riding it.
And this is why so many of us have multiple boards. So there is always one running even if the rest are all waiting on parts…
(and also we hate our wallets)
And a lot of replacement ESCs, motors in all sizes, trucks all brands, wheel hubs all colors, tires all diameters, inner tubes several types, bearings 8, 10 and 12mm, JST 1.5 and 2mm, bullets, and xt60/xt90 connectors, all possible sizes of heatshrink, rolls of griptape several different grits, all models of shredlights , many chinesse BMSs, latest 21700 cells and 4 spotwelders
I’m not sure why but it seems is running Sensored hybrid mode. I’m blind as hell though and am 50 percent sure that there is no button to make it full sensored/foc
Yes, that might be the option if a new switch or a fast and cheap repair is no possible. Have to rebuild my case a little bit but should be ok.
I’m getting full shut downs under somewhat heavy load. Been doing this consistently the last three times I tried it. With small motors and small battery and big motors and a medium sized battery. Unity has been on maybe 12 rides.
Running unsensored calibrated/set up via app
Prob not a firmwear thing right? Should I try updating to 5?
You have a BMS wired for discharge? That’s usually the first place to look for full throttle shut downs
23.46 firmware on the unity has been 100% solid for me
Share your settings?
Unity is alright as long as you treat it with respect. Get to crazy on it and they strike back
Sorry for the late follow up wanted to retest a few things before getting back.
I believe it is because It’s a BT BMS and it gets charge and discharge ratings, so assume it would need to be wired for both to get that rating?
This is on fw 23.42 I originally had it tuned up too high because I forgot the discharge of the BMS was only 60A. I’ve since revised my settings to be:
-40 regen
-/60 brake
I’m still getting a cut out on these lower settings. This is on a 10s5p Samsung 25R I’ve been using till I get a bigger battery sorted for this build.
I’ve only been editing in the app up until now. Should I crack open the tool, is there any settings in there I should try editing?
Edit - May have found the issue within the smart BMS you can set specific limits for change and discharge. I hadn’t messed with this yet at it appears this may all be happening because of the “discharge over current” setting is just 70A. So when I spike it on full throttle it’s probably going over than 55A setting. I’m going to try changing this to be 200A limit and see if I still get a cut out.
Your 25r cells are rated at 15-20A discharge. You could certainly pop that battery max up 75-100A since you’re at 5p.
Yeah I had it at 80 with 80 motor 75 brake when I had the higher settings in. I think it might be this smart BMS setting I just changed fingers crossed . Since it happened when I gave it hard consistent throttle and the setting in the BMS was 2 seconds above 70000 mA idk. If this BMS setting isn’t it idk what it is.
Report from my last ride where I got the latest cut was “max discharge of 85.73A” it’s not time logged so I can’t see if the cut came right after that unfortunately but I assume it was.
You need to find out what kind of BMS and why the max discharge is. For all you know it’s 30 amps.
Settings must be matched to components.
its 60a thats why I revised my settings from 80a to 55a
Try giving it some more head room. Set it to 45 max battery total and try.
Ideally, change the BMS or you can’t use the majority of the power in your pack.