Hi Gianni-
I bumped your account so you can post and message freely.
I’ll let the other guys give you the lowdown on the odd Unity situation.
Hi Gianni-
I bumped your account so you can post and message freely.
I’ll let the other guys give you the lowdown on the odd Unity situation.
Webshop is questionable. All signs point to it being ran by the owner of enertion to illegally sell liquidation products. I bought one thinking it was just the factory selling extras and have one on the way. I have 2 unities I absolutely love but they aren’t supported anymore since enertion doesn’t exist so it’s a warranty gamble there.
Thankyou for your response. So let’s say the Unities from the clearance shop are legit. Are there any issues regarding the available firmware and overall quality of the hardware?
If so, what do these issues consist of?
Not really. Some of the momentary switches have died after awhile, mine are still good. Some people have had antisparks die and need replacing. Some people have had issues with Bluetooth comms and needed to replace the module. That’s all I can think of.
All the serious issues got worked out in firmware revisions.
The brains behind the unity are now on team Lacroix making their stormcore. The stormcore 60d is supposedly coming in the next few months barring any major delays. It will undoubtedly be a better product and money will go towards people who deserve it rather than a literally figurative man baby.
That’s not addressing the fact that these might be QC returns from @mackann and others. Personally I have ethical problems with throwing money at a known thief, and that’s even before the fact that he most likely will defraud people again.
My biggest worry is just that there is a precedent for selling stock that they don’t have. The unity never went “out of stock” on our website even though there were lots of times when we had none left. I wouldn’t want to be the guy that orders after they ship the last units in whatever batch they are selling off.
The guy did in his question, he proposed a hypothetical.
“Legit” can have different meanings, which in my mind can include QC returns, but it’s still an important issue to highlight especially if the seller isn’t.
That is the ultimate takeaway he should get from this.
me and my homies can’t afford to be in possession of stolen goods
y’all can do what’s best for you
23.46 is the one that shiupped with the latest focbox_ui (1.5):
Hello fellow esk8ers
I have an enhanced focbox unity that i bought from bioboards.se with xt90 and thicker gauge wires.
Running the latest firmware 23.46. I cant seem to switch off power of the unity. I have to pull out the loop key that cuts the power in order to shut it down. Power button not responding, or atleast not turning unity off, only its own lights. As soon as i connect the loop key again it automatically switches on, lights on power button also.
What do you guys reckon i should do? I already emailed bioboards, but they are in the midst of launching new website and new boards so it can take a while for them to respond.
Cheers Marius
Seems like a bad switch. They fail closed circuit
so it doesn’t shut your board off when a switch dies. A few dudes here were selling extras.
It helps if you put your country viewable in your profile to find a supplier.
Check out threads 2, 4, and 5 here
Dont think its the switch since i have a spare, and unity will power on automatically even without the switch connected when i plug in loop key
He means the internal circuitry in the unity. That is just a small button that controls a larger solid state switch inside the unity. I also agree it sounds like a failed anti-spark.
There’s a few people that know how to repair this.