@blasto IS there a Focbox PC tool for Mac?
Just for anyone else reading his problem was he disabled the ‘Push to start’ setting which needs to be enabled for this 10 ohm resistor between 5v bus on can strategy to work on 23.46
Yep! Jeff came through with the goods! All good now, cheers mate
Hi everyone, help with Unity not powering up. Switch lit up on initial press but Unity did not power up. Battery leads showed 36.7V. Any ideas? Would appreciate any help, thanks in advance.
Hey guys I’ve just finished up a build and ive run into a problem uploading the new firmware to the unity via the app.
The unity connects via bluetooth then I have message that pops up saying I need to update the firmware and that im in limited connection mode. I go to the firmware page and start to upload, then the Bluetooth disconnects.
Any ideas?
@NingNing ive had a similar issue in the past and had to plug it in to my laptop via usb-c to get the update. havent had any issues since.
Maybe your switch is programmed to turn of the battery after 10 minutes, just keep turning your wheels so it d o es not turn off
It usually only stay connected for around 2-3 minutes.
I used a pc to set everything up so it’s running now.
Should unity show up on osx as a usb device?
it doesn’t seem to add new serial ports /dev/tty.* and It doesn’t even show up under usb in system information app. It may be the cables.
gonna get a new cable, and get some kinda linux up to try as well.
my only access to it right now is over bluetooth and it firmware update times out and fails.
the answer is yes. yes it does. and my problem was usbc cable.
I was just getting ready to deal with buying another cable. and. I found a 3rd one to try. it worked.
Me just now. failing the lambda detection bit spinning the motors. “Bad FOC Detection Result Received”. blah blah adjust parameters according to the help text and try again…
oh. spin them harder.
Thanks @Lee_Wright
Yup, I had the same issue! Have to give them a good yank!
Both my boards with unities has been ‘sleeping’ through the UK winter. Recently started riding again and of course each time I connect to the UNITY app I get the update firmware message. Since I have no apparent problems with the old FW (famous last words) should I update and what benefits can I expect exactly ? It ain’t broke so should I fix it?
This should be tattooed on the forehead of everyone here.
I’d update to 23.46. It’s been 100% stable for me on both boards and I was in the exact position a few months ago. I don’t remember what specifically they changed in the most recent update (no changelog) but fwiw, I figured I’d leave my review.
Ahh that’s where it’s been. Thank you for that.
23.44 and 23.46 are good. I wouldn’t run 23.45. I’d advise most people to make the jump to 5.x pretty soon, think there are going to be a lot of benefits piling on.
Anyone know if this thing is gonna blow up on mee… not sure I’ve ever hear It make this noise before.
Anyone know why/ what that wonderful noise is?
Hello, im new here. Ive ran accros this clearance shop selling Focbox Unity’s:
Does anyone have experience with this webshop, are these Unity’s legit?
Also, what is the current status of the reliability of the Focbox Unity? what are the major problems and issues of this VESC? Is it advisable to buy this VESC in its current state?