Hi guys I have a problem. My focbox cannot calibrate one side of the motor and it makes a hissing sound which is scary. Could somebody help me pls
Post some pics of your set up and app settings
I would start with checking your connections, make sure nothing is shorting out. Sometimes it’s a bad connection that causes issues with detection. Is it the motor making the odd noise? If so, I would swap the motor to the other side to confirm it’s the motor and not one side of the Unity acting up.
If your comfortable, you could also check the PCB underneath the orange cover of the Unity. You could also reflash the firmware but make sure to follow everything carefully so you don’t brick your Unity.
Start with your connections first, no sense in messing with something that doesn’t need to be messed with!
This is what’s happening and like I tried almost everything and one thing good is that my motors are not the problem. Its the focbox. Apparently one side of the motors can calibrate and the other side could not.
I just realised that my focbox is hissing now
I’m sorry for your loss
Maybe take a peak under the cover? Some more talented people here may be able to fix it!
Guess what hahahaha it started hissing and liquid is coming out somewhere
My focbox went full on astronomia on me
Fucking unplug it from your battery now
Sooooo… i got everything hooked up for the 4wd setup via can with a 10ohm resistor on the 5v. Turns on fine, but when I try to turn it off I get a DRV error, red light flashes 3 times pause, 3 times pause for about a minute and then the board turns off. Any ideas?
Check your mosfets… My board did that today and it was showing up on my DavegaX screen and when I ripped the board apart the mosfet was blown
They are brand new, no magic smoke
I couldn’t notice the smoke… I’m guessing it’s something else though, but worst comes to worse and you can’t figure it out check your mosfets
I guess my platinum warranty won’t do me much good if something is fucked
Ahaha, Hopefully it’s nothing
Just read somewhere it could be the wiring for your remote reciever. Maybe the PPM cables are in the wrong orientation/spot. @glyphiks
Pop that orange cover off, remove the Bluetooth module, and unscrew the metal plate.
Send us nudes.
Dont forget you need to set the unity that has the switch master and the other slave to have the CAN shutdown command to work
Are you sure on that? I think I have set the other as master sometimes without problems
I think i’d take your word for it, i’ve only setup one 4wd system.
From what i read, his problems sounds like the CAN shutdown is not being sent or badly received, so one unity is not able to shutdown because its being held on by the second one (because the 5V are tied together with a resistor)