I have been working on an ESkate all wheel drive kart in my build thread.
Hi Silverline, Very nice project where did you find your rear sprocket ? also is it possible to share your Votol EM150 config.ini file ?
thank you so much
Ypu can get the inner hub part custom made, for the diameter of your axel : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32856271130.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.68472e0eqdbOf4
Its just default setting, with the controllede locked in s-mode. And higher amps…
Hello Silverline,
Many thank’s for your reply i suppose you also bought your belt from there ? what is your length ?
My rear axe is 40 mm diameter i think yours is the same ? if not too much ask may i know your part number of your rear pulley.
Thank you so much
Hi dk-odense
Nice project.
I also build mine actually using rear sprocket 428 but it’s too noisy.
I’m planning to convert it with pulley
Do you have your parts number on aliexpress of your rear pulley also your length of your belt ?
Thank you so much
@Fosterqc @Silverline @eBoosted @Venom121212 @Titoxd1000
Anyone every upgrade/keep thinking about building a go kart? (I know Titoxd did )
Lookin at you @Silverline and @eBoosted
I literally pulled the tarp off my old go kart waiting to be electrified yesterday while talking to someone’s kid who wanted to make a electric go kart.
Only parts I need are a motor mount and sprocket.
Probably like $25 of materials I should get on that.
If you mean a ground up design intended for esk8 parts that idea is too awesome to stop thinking about.
We need @Titoxd1000 to hop onto this thread, you will love his kart, it’s awesome….
A ground up design people can get made at a local welder would be AWESOME
Is he the one with the purple McLaren?
That thing is hot.
She a beauty!
Too much haha.
This looks like a decent frame. I asked about price without the heavy 4 x 12v SLA batteries and they want mininum order of 5
What was the response for price tho I bet we could find 5 people….
Listed at $430-530 with the batteries. Still waiting on reply for 5 pieces. That import freight cost might be a killer though. I just want a damn frame that’s esk8 component friendly so I don’t have to do too much metal working. Not that I don’t want to do the metal work, I just don’t have the money for all the tools.
Looking good, I wonder is this could be used
for daily commute