This thread is for permanent discount codes. Temporary / seasonal / holiday / one-time discount codes should be posted in the good deals thread. Thank you.
Please label affiliate links if possible
Please add codes to this wiki article using the “edit” button down below, rather than adding them as a new post in this thread.
Please follow the existing formatting of this post when adding new codes, or update the formatting of the whole post if you feel that is needed.
There are many of us on here that have our own codes and it makes a huge conflict of interest to have them all sitting next to each other, what do you do?
I think stating the source of the affiliate code might be helpful to people reading, maybe we should include that with each one
I can tell you nobody is profiting off of the “NYCEBOARDING” discount codes. those are just codes that companies gave to the communities.
Even if they are affiliate codes, why care? You’re getting a discount. If you don’t like em, don’t use them and move on. no point of shutting down an entire thread just because you don’t like it.
i have played with the idea of creating a referral code thread that’s not exclusive to esk8.
Ref codes for inviting friends to get a bonus etc etc or just regular discount codes like above.