Bushing and Truck Setup Help Offered

That sounds like the easiest method. Thanks, I’ll try that. If I fuck up it’s only 9 bucks.

It’s a slow and tedious process…

Still have ways to go.


If the bushing is being used against the base plate with a flat washer, just ditch the washer. If you have a drill press, it is the same as a vertical lathe. Put the bushing on a wooden or metal dowl that is a larger diameter than the ID of the bushing so it is tight, then spin up the drill and with a box cutter, cut to the desired height.


Hey looking for some bushing recs for the Tito dualities im running on my board. The angles are 35/20 and im 200 lbs. currently running the stock bushing i think theyre kranks and theyre wine red.

right now turning is nice but i feel too much resistance near the end of the lean when i try to turn hard. Like its too loose near the center and too hard near the end of lean. Feels unstable at speeds but it does carve well.

Looking for something maybe like APS with less rebound with a stronger center and easier to push to the limits. Just not sure the hardness, shapes or exact formula.


APS 92.5A is what you want, same shapes - tall barrel and tall chubby.

I want to try to mix both next, APS alone is a bit too dampened for my taste.


There is also a good discussion on the Duality bushings findings far beyond my experience on this thread: Duality Trucks by Tito Systems


I’ve got a Linnpower Evo Mk-1 pro on its way while I work on a beastly custom mountain board.

The evo mk-1 can use the Lacroix Riptide bushings with an adapter that Linnpower makes.

I’m 165 lbs, and enjoy acceleration, speed, and stability over quick tight turning and maneuverability.

Looking for the right set of riptide bushings that would be a good start based on this and knowing that I will be upgrading the vesc and motors to get more punch out of the acceleration.

Open to any advice / recommendations!

Linnpower Evo Mk-1, I have one of these too, just got it…you will be impressed. If you stability and speed, the stock bushings might be a good fit.

I am 230lbs and enjoy things a bit more maneuverable and tight turning…and the bushings it came with are just too tight…I need less durometer.

Good to know! Thanks for the info!

hello im using a hummie deck with paris v3 43degree trucks to practice some basic downhill riding. i have stock bushing tightened as much as possible. i find the trucks even tight are very tippy like im on a tight rope not sure what i should do.

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Is the Hummie deck a flat mount or are the ends angled? What do you weigh?

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i top mounted it but its a drop deck by design. i intend on using my medium size top mounted deck so i thought this would feel closest but i probobaly should have drop mounted them. i weigh 175lb. i just didnt want to trash my nice deck figured i would learn on it first

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Do you plan on riding it directionally or will you be riding switch also?

directionally. everything has been good so far but i did slide out and trashed my ankle, so i wonder about wrapping it up before i ride

Try 2 pair of 93a Canons in the V3’s and order 1 pair with a pair of cup washers and 1 pair with flat washers. Use the cups in back and the flats up front. Here is the link: KranK Canon Skateboard Bushings | RipTide Sports Inc.


I am making angled drop brackets for channel trucks but I can’t decide if I should go with more normal angles or use the softest bushings on the inside position and lower angles like some have had success with recently. Is 28-18 or so a good middle ground?

hi @RipTideSports ; thanks for all your help here. Can you please suggest bushing change?

My setup: My weight (78kg/171lbs), Loaded Omakase, 110mm wheels, Truck SurfRodz Grindz TKP, no wedge for now.

This is a cruiser, so i want it to be nimble and fast with good turnability, but not extreme. The issue i have right now is no matter how much i tigh the trucks, it doesnt matter…i can’t dial in, bushings doesnt respond.

I am also looking to change the pivot cup as well.

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What bushings are in the trucks currently?


Stock ones :frowning: dont khow which. They seem to be blue putting in the light

Is this board electric or analog?

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