Oof wow I have never seen Onsra wheels worn down that much, that’s some serious mileage! Happy to have you in our community. Were you looking to get a battery built by someone on here?
Thanks for the welcome. Yes those were 115s, now there maybe 109s lol. 2,600 miles and many burnouts. I’ve talked to a battery builder on other forums but wouldn’t mind a second or third estimate for the battery.
Make sure you have a backup plan in mind when the power switch eventually fails. Loopkey, or just a regular antispark reusing the same power button hole.
Getting it repaired is out of the question I bet with the guy selling them.
If you want reliable and you have the means to do it, go for a stormcore. Speaking from experience because my unity anti spark broke and I started getting DRV faults and error codes within the first 3 months of owning it. In the end, I just sold it for $60 and took a huge loss. And I bit the bullet and got a new Stormcore for $350. Didn’t work out too well in the end. You may wanna consider selling the tenka while it’s worth something?