Bigger than Boosted build log (42” vanguard, 18s4p, m1 drives)

man I want to know what they’re like

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About to go for a quick night ride.


Let us know!

The ride was really nice. The steering is loser than dkp at low speeds, but has no slop, at speed it locks you in. Really nice. I may eventually buy another for my bro builds front.


That’s all the testimonial I need. I think I’m getting a set now too.

Just so it’s in the thread:


Do you know has anyone tried epoxying the coils or something to dampen it? I assumed it was a problem with something I’d done in my build but good to know it’s not just me

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If you’re going to do the coils, use MG Chemicals 4228 Red Insulating Varnish instead of epoxy

You can thank me later

Back to a more traditional setup. BN 270 still on the back, BN 220 on the front again this time with spacers on the outside.

The Juma type 300 will be back after they send me a the steel cam (Juma Type 200 Trucks - #94 by Avi).

The rear bracket may or may not comeback depending on if I buy a stiffer flex 1 deck, and the height of the Juma type 300 with the rebound bushing riser. If it’s too tall the back bracket won’t be useable.


26 wh/mi, are these stock mad wheels? Did you have them inputted as 101mm or 105mm?

Stock wheels I have it inputted as 103mm. Stop and go killed my range.

Gps vs esc distance.


What do you get?

On the stock wheels I was getting ~21 inputted at 101mm. I haven’t actually measured the wheels myself, but I think that’s what others were saying. But I didn’t ride much stop and go, mostly go. I think @ShutterShock was getting ~20, don’t know what his route is like.

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On treated wheels I’m getting ~26, and so far it seems to be staying that way. I’m curious about the loss in efficiency compared to other wheels like say TB 110s. Because with the mad wheels you have the holes so those surfaces are going to be affected as well. Whereas with a TB 110 or more traditional wheel, the core is unaffected so probably retains a better roll.

For reference

I have more tests done this is just from my last review I did

Dadbod 105’s were 17.1 wh/mi but

WAY less confidence riding on those


I have not yet tried my treated abec 107s on an electric board.

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Dadbod 105’s were 17.1 wh/mi but
WAY less confidence riding on those


I guess you’d need the abec adapters for these, but man super curious how they perform when you get to it.

I have abec and kegel adapters. And untreated abec 107s to test against.

They like to catch edges in the road (especially bike lane paint) and are much less forgiving than the mad 105’s, I’d choose mad over the dadbod any day but I’ve gotta finish my 100 miles