Bigfoot | TB130 | Dogstar Stubbie | Unity Super Single | 10S3P 30Q [SRO]

I feel like risers take away from stability far less than:

A) you think they do
B) tight trucks
C) wheelbite

and on a side note, I won’t be pushing so it doesn’t matter how far down to the ground it is :crazy_face: Risers absolutely suck if you’re pushing.

Anyway for me, adding just the amount of riser necessary to lean all the way over with loose trucks seems the most stable option. I’d definitely take this over some 78mm wheels with no riser and tight trucks.


This board has 39mm of hard riser.


3DS motor?

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I’m testing the motor for a secret brand.


Could you elaborate?..

You put the 30Q cells vertical right? What a huge battery you have on such a tiny board! :joy:

To use both sides of the unity one just connects them in parallel to each phase wire?

I also agree that the board height to the ground is overrated. My kicktail is also a bit higher than typical and I feel absolutely stable. In fact it’s a dream to carve with it.


Yes, the wiring diagram is in here


Yes, they are vertical.

This one actually has plenty of room. The Green One has a 10S5P in the same enclosure :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


sorry i must but… :joy:

  • A brand that already exists or a new one?
  • A US, EU or Asian Brand?

Apart from that, i love this board so much. it’s like a mega monster truck except… a mini truck? haha. i love the white deck too, not enough of them.


The deck is actually a light blue color but the MOB clear griptape makes it even lighter still.


Also love this build. Find very refreshing to see other concepts being tried, not only the same kind of boards.

  1. Regarding stability, you usually ride at a low to medium speed, right Brian? My calculations say this board has a max speed of around 56km/h (35mph :exploding_head: )
  2. How big of a game changer are these wheels? Do you really prefer this board over the lighter boards you have with 110mm wheels?
  3. That “grabber” hook looks like a tripping hazzard :laughing: Do you really prefer that over the regular handle?

Awesome build btw, it looks great! :slight_smile:


Dang, it’s that simple now? Here, hold my single…


Very cool. I love these last mile boards.

It’s always been so interesting bro me to see the subgenres body our hobby. Brian really owns the short board, urbanite, function first subgenre. Really really cool.

The motor is a 6374 size?
And can you compare that to say a maytech 200 single esc (or any equivalent single esc)


This looks so fun to tick tack lol


Awesome build, I always admire the high level of functionality you implement in your builds! :metal:t4::metal:t4:

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Just wild…
Love that wheel base.

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I usually average in the 20 - 25 mph range (32 - 40km/h) but frequently will roll at top speed, especially coming north on 4th street here locally, which is above 30mph (above 48km/h).

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These wheels rewrite the rules. Honestly, every day I feel more strongly about them. At first I chalked it up to just the “me like something new” feeling but I try to brush that off and see whether they’re actually better or not. Now, a few weeks later of riding both the TB110 and the TB130 every day, I feel like it’s a no brainer, I want the TB130.

I have a different duro of TB130 here (83A, nod to @ahrav) I’m going to try out shortly; there is a different board on my bench now. The often-forgotten “Red One” which is getting a makeover.


I’m still testing this out, it’s a new concept. It’s definitely not a tripping hazard for me; still evaluating whether it’s better than just a top handle as well.

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What purpose does it serve?