Beginner Question Thread! 2023 Edition

What’s an acceptable delta between cells?

Depends what the voltage is. At the top of the charge more is okay. In the middle near 3.8V less deviation is better. It’s because SOC (state of charge) does not map directly to voltage. Depleting SOC changes voltage more at the top & bottom, than in the middle.



I would strongly disagree, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a 0.005V delta at full charge, in fact I might argue it’s more harmful to try to fix that than leave it alone.


Currently a pack goes to 20-10 mV delta, I’ll leave my balancer on some time to deal with it

At full charge, that doesn’t sound like a lot.


Don’t feel bad about asking because none of that is ever directly covered in any Physics courses even if you end up with a B.S. in Physics. The basic concepts are covered but if a professor ever wanted a question like this they’d at least include a diagram so people know what you’re talking about.

That aside, I do think you’re right about this:

It has been a while since I’ve done pure physics stuff though, and I didn’t bother making myself a nice little diagram so I could be missing something that might affect it.


Sometimes I seriously think we as a group over think things.
A nice little diagram may give you peace of mind but the fact of the matter is obvious in most cases.
More leverage. Harder bushings
Less leverage Softer bushings.

If you need rocket science call @DerelictRobot
Call Andrew.

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So i’ve been doing it wrong all these years calling him for yeti phone sex?


You need to appeal to the ego brother.

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Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Wendy’s. 3/4pound square patty excellence.
Ran into the nearest Wendy on arrival to oz and it’s a fucking ice cream shop


Ok so here are my noob questions
(Sorry about the offensive word noob)

What’s the best dual esc out there?
What’s the best drivetrain for a carver?

I’ve asked all my friends but they have all turned into vendors so I am relying on you guys.


single mcu = stormcore 60d+ or 100d+ depend on what voltage u play with
dual mcu = makerx new d60 or d75 or d100, again depend on what voltage u want

there is also this thread u can check out to get a simple compare table of many different esc


@Savage1 has made some bangin TKPs that have been well reviewed.

@ApexBoards has parallel king pin PKP trucks out called the Airs that have 2 awesome sets of drives recently launching to go with them.

If you want to go belt drive but stunning looking, @Tony_Stark at Radium is in the down under land as well and makes some gorgeous product.

These would be my top 3 choices for a next project personally.

As for escs, the cool kids are all now building 16-20s boards and calling themselves HV for either hyper vulvas or high voltage. Still haven’t figured that out yet :thinking:


Fuck the cool kids. I want reliable at 12s. 40 is enough.

Missed you baby


DV6 for the win


Yeah DV75 too new to be called “good” yet imo

DV6 makerx best option otherwise


Thanks chaps. Looks like I’ve got some homework to do. I did test some makerx stuff in the dim and distant past which didn’t go well but I will take your advice. @Tony_Stark
Down under? Got a site?

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Some of their older stuff was no good but the DV6 has been nothing but awesome and we’ve been abusing 3 over the last 12 months. Running 160 motor and 80 battery amps per side on mine at the moment.

And yeah we’re down under in Aus. Website here:

I make heatsinks for the DV6 :ok_hand: