Be careful buying from Trampa's website...

All I know is I’m in the states (east coast)and they got my order done in 3days over the weekend super fast

It was 20+ dollars for shipping but wow that’s better than any vendor in the :us:


How did tax/duties go?


We usually get things to the US faster than US companies can ship things within the US.
We try our best to have all things on the shelf at all times and we try to ship the same day we get an order.
If it’s a fully custom board we try to build it within 3 days and get it out with no delays.


0 vat
Really Really good other than the exchange rate but it’s always been that way



Damn… you basically got them cheaper than someone buying from the uk.
For us that would be £7-11 shipping and £21-23 vat on top of £97 parts price


Well thanks for acknowledging my request and post in the first place. I’m clearly not the only one it happens to, but it was the response, or lack of that I expected.


But let’s all praise him for his excellent cs anywho.

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Dave is usually very good at giving our customers the best service possible. In pretty much all cases we manage to straighten out any issues with orders. Ultimately things can go wrong, we are all humans at work…
Customers very often get a response on weekends or even after business ours. We are available via phone and email. Emails are all answered within a very short period of time. Everyone at Trampa is trying to give first class CS.


Thank you Tamara for vesc.


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So… What do you want to sell me? :joy::heart_eyes:

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Thank you @APEX for the bro Deck!

Trampa did not invent the VESC thay do not own the rights to the VESC thay payed to use the name and have a go at any one else that uses the 4 letters

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Yet they’re partenered with Vedder (the V in VESC, you know?) And without them picking up and funding this project you would probably use a hobbyking esc to this day.
It’s fair to not want to associate any other controller running the open source vesc firmware as a “vesc” but as a “brand name esc based on vesc open source project”

Also quick reminder that haero boards is a thing and they make stuff, like decks


I totally disagree trampa had absolutely nothing to do with VESC 4.12 and you would definaltly be useing them over a hobby king esc

same with xinith/ dirty unity /storm core nothing to do with trampa and in fact frank hates the idea of a single MCU and tried to discredit it. Benjamin saw the huge split in the project and decided to bring it back to one project spending a huge amount of effort and time and colabing with other engineers.

Most of trampa development is moving away from esk8 more towards a general esc to increase there sales just look why do thay have 2 versions of tri motor controllers.

Frank entire plan is to make uneducated people think trampa is VESC any thing else is a lower quality copy. and worst of all it’s working evidence by the comments that keep coming up. This is just bad for consumers. Lack of competition slows Innovation and increases prices.

So when I see comments it’s the same as agreeing how North Korea is run


a what now?

Tri as in 3

Seems thay have 3 different versions of a triple controller now.

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They are 32A vescs, had a programming interface as complicated as teaching a toddler to use linux and hobbyking had 150A and 300A esc variants even then, which only required connecting any rc remote and the motor. They would be used, just not like this and definetly nowhere near production boards that cost £4000 before addons

Source? Is there a baseless rand about this anywhere? Or he said that separate controllers are better in case one dies? He seems to follow this with the hd vescs series. Totally separated logical stages, one dies, change it like a lego. A dual flipsky 6.6 dies? Buy a new one…

Alright stop there. Frank has a good hand over people that are not even aware that their boards are programmable. From what i see so far that is the majority of people buying a trampa complete. Just buy it and ride it kind of people. His talk resonates perfectly with those people, but not us diy guys that argue in 2000 comments about the position of a resistor. Want technical stuff write to Vedder, ask for permission to post publicly then release your findings into the world. Frank makes and sells trampa parts, Vedder codes software and circuits, they mix well up to a point where one has to ask the other for answers

Indeed, which is why there’s tons of competitor brands and they are free to choose what to make next


Those are all single controllers. One is from a design Vedder made for 75V 300A vesc, the next one is with optimised parts to support 100V and 200A. Both drive one single motor but have the copper diameter split into multiple wires, otherwise you’d have to try your luck at soldering awg00 wires


yeah no, u r wrong


Also odd that even though I made the order 3 days ago already, I still don’t even have a tracking number… hopefully just a coincidence.

Even though this went to derail prison, I feel like nobody noticed the complete lack of acknowledgment to my respectful request of looking into the issue at all.