Yours Truly is now in open beta for iOS!

gah, I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to this.

in my defence I crashed, dislocated my elbow, and I’ve been licking my wounds for a while. :frowning:

but I’m still happy you did it, and want to test it out for you.


No worries - hope you’re back to 100% soon!! :slight_smile:

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The beta now has 4 wheel drive support

Version 1.4.0 is now out on the App Store!!!


  • CAN forwarding (support for up to a total of 4 ESCs)
  • Performance and stability fixes
  • Improved Bluetooth connectivity
  • Auto-connect/stop/start fixes
  • Better battery estimation methodology (and the option to switch to direct from voltage)
  • Custom voltage curves (and ability to export/import)
  • Acknowledgements and donation pages!
    … And much more!

Well done :+1:t2:
You got my 5 stars

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Thanks a ton!!! :smiley:

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Just here to say that the open beta is coming to a close and we’re accepting closed beta applications through this form:

The only situation in which we probably won’t let everyone on to the closed beta is if we get too many applications - in which case we’ll probably go first come first serve.

Thanks everyone :slight_smile:


You asked, we listened.

We were hoping to upload an initial TestFlight version of an always on HUD mode tonight but unfortunately Apple has closed their doors until the 27th.

Hope you’re as excited as we are!!!


Happy Christmas :slight_smile:


Hey Guys - we’re trying to find a way to accept feature requests from you all and allow each other to vote on them so that we know what to focus on!
(As well as try to give you a bit of visibility on what we’re actively working on and when)

We’re considering Trello but a bit hesitant to get you all signing up to something yet again.
Does anyone know of any good (preferably free) solutions for this?

Thanks all :slight_smile:

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This is awesome! Any chance to add ESC temperature somewhere? Gotta love the non intrusive hud design :+1:t4:


Definitely - we have plans to implement something that lets you pick the stats you want displayed.


Slack might be good too.

We’ve been considering something like Slack or Discord for a live chat with everyone.

I’m not sure how we’d collect and manage feature requests through slack unless you had any third party plugins in mind?

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Yeah. You’ll have to use the polling plugins. I believe discord has this option too, though?

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We’ve got a cool homepage redesign and some additional functionality in beta right now :smiley:


Hey @Elias the new redesign is pretty cool, enjoying it a lot! Especially the full telemetry on the watch, but occasionally I’m having an error with the watch interface. I think it’s when I remember to switch on the watch app after I’ve started riding already. Mainly the battery meter shows a red cell with a line through it, I assume that’s indicating dead, no voltage reading either. I will try to recreate and get a better description/photos of the issue.


Could you let me know if it still happens with build 1.3.1 (12) ?
We’ve had some serious issues with the last few test builds unfortunately :frowning:


Noob question :raising_hand_man:
Is this on the App Store or still in beta?

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IOS peeps join the fun :star_struck:

Found it :partying_face:

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