[WIKI] Trusted Battery Builders (Serious)

So I could have just put myself on here and been like, “ come on, trust me.”?



Luckily wiki threads have public edit history, so you can check who added who.


Well I trust him, so somebody should add him to the list


Someone did :joy:


planning to upgrade urself to the Intl catagory yet? :joy:

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No, I have a moral objection to editing my own entry on this wiki. I’ll leave that to my satisfied customers :wink:

Plus I am still not convinced that international battery shipping is worthwhile for me to advertise to the public. You’re a special case Michael :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


i feel special

i have no problem recommending ur service, its top notch stuff. I would put u up on the Intl whenever u r ready :kissing_heart:


Why do you need a battery?

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because i can’t build one myself…yet (hopefully)


@Simeon built 2 high power batteries for me, he’s super correct and reliable. He did a very nice and clean job and he’s super helpful. Looking forward to test the batteries at summer.


@thisguyhere might need to update this, it brings you to a Russian webpage lol

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@Zach would you mind putting me on there? I ship primarily to the UK + EU


Its a wiki, so you can add easily.


Oh cool :smiley:

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Does anyone know a reputable builder down in Texas? Ive got a Zeus Pro battery i want inspected and BMS bypassed for discharge.

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Not sure how to contact you, but I’d like to discuss a custom battery build!

You are Unable to send PMs as a new account (Restricitions will automatically be lifted after some activity on the forum.) For now give @Acido some time to get back to you.

Here’s a tour of Chi Battery Systems out of Chicago. They’ve grown quite a lot in the last couple of years.

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You’re kidding, right?

ChiBattery is a joke. They’ve managed to capitalize on a community with hype, marketing, bullshit, lazy workmanship, and the fact that someone who overpaid for a battery isn’t going to tear it open and look at what a trash job they did.

ChiBattery used to be on here, and in the battery builders club thread, where people had valid criticisms, Bara essentially told people to sit and spin.

Onewheel repair shops are tired of their bullshit. They lie to, and misinform customers, over and over.

They build lazy packs, and lie about how those packs are supposed to fit.

They jump on a trend, and push a shit product to market, having not tested it properly.

After years of having people message me, comment on my videos, and come to my shop asking for help with their garbage ChiBattery product, I can in good conscience say,

Fuck ChiBattery. Fuck their insistence that they make “the safest” anything. Fuck their marketing that promotes unsafe treatment of batteries. And fuck that video.

Chi is responsible for the intellectual damaging of the entire Onewheel community.


yet they still make shit batteries