[Wiki] Connectors and plug types

Any real differences in these 4mm bullet connectors from dynamite i got on amazon for $20 vs the same aliexpress ones i got for $6?

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The aliexpress ones look shinier :rofl: oh and they have the open cup. Heaps easier to solder into an open cup rather than the closed ones

I think it was the different plastic


I much prefer the open cups. I don’t even bother with closed ones anymore. If closed ones are all I have, i open them up with a file


Avoid these top ones

search terms: crap not crap bullet connectors junk not junk


Something is up with the data sheet for the XT60 connectors. They are not all the same length and xt60u connectors exist that are slightly shorter:

Direct side by side of XT60 and XT60u:

Spec sheets stolen from Amazon for the XT60u:

The two different versions seem to have no issues connecting as the length difference is from the bottom section being longer. The shorter version does lack that extra bit of plastic on the end of the female connector but the male connector has a spot inside where that tab can fit.

I have no idea which version is newer, and it looks like they also have a new XT60H model which includes the little grey wire sheath things. The same you see with the MR60 connectors.

XT60H spec sheet:

I know anyone can edit the Wiki but I don’t know if this information is even important enough to add. I only noticed it as I have both versions and was trying to figure out if they’re safe to use together since being able to connect doesn’t mean the connection is the same length inside. Looking further into it is how I found the many different models that exist and confirmed that the XT60 and XT60U are safe to use together.

However, it looks like the new XT60H model wouldn’t be compatible with the XT60 and XT60U since the length of the female side that slots into the male is 8.1mm but it is only 7.7mm on the XT60U data sheet. It isn’t listed on the XT60 data sheet but I can confirm they’re the same.

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Those lighter ones aren’t Amass brand XT60, they are the cheap knockoff ones. Avoid those. You can tell because they don’t say Amass on them.

The XT60U ones I have are all branded:

added graphite to the clean connector to make the name more visible

Amazon listing shows the name on them in one photo but not others

Even if that listing is for a fake version, it was the only listing on amazon for them and the data sheet is for the real version.

Unless you meant the one XT60 male connector that I showed since that one singular connector is not an Amass connector. In total I only have one fake male xt60 and two fake female XT60 connectors which I just found after taking the photos. I will make sure not to use those 3 fake connectors though just to be safe

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You can use them, they’re just not as good. I wouldn’t buy more though.

Especially with the knockoff ones, but really with all of them, make sure you fasten them together with cable ties or string so they can’t come apart while riding.

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I didn’t directly buy any of them so it isn’t really an issue to just not use the fake ones. I had extra connectors that I could use so I didn’t bother to buy any new XT60 connectors.

The two fake females were on two different batteries one was sent as a replacement for a china battery I managed to drain completely in 6 months, and the second was in a cheap board I bought for parts a while back. The fake male was on my VESC when I got it.

I have two unused real XT60U pairs right now so it isn’t an issue to swap the VESC connector to a real version. Plus the real ones are so snug that it takes a good amount of force to separate them. They’re almost too hard to remove at times.

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I do agree with this, but anecdotally i have had zero issues using the top ones.


Zero issues that i’m aware of… this could be the source of some of my phantom ABS OVERCURRENTS now that I think about it.


A fake connector was used on the poorly made replacement battery I was sent but I don’t know if the connector alone was the cause of its early death. I do know that it did not die via being used so much that the batteries were spent like what happened with the first battery. First pack was well made but made with lower quality cells.

Also had the fake connector on the pack I messed with but that one didn’t die and instead I just killed the BMS via using it on a 10s4p pack when it was made for a 10s3p pack. I Didn’t think it would die from a little extra current :person_shrugging:

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anyone know the name of this white connector? for hooking up front lights

Looks like molex but idfk

Hard to tell but kinda look like dis?


yep looks like it but the measurements dont add up, the ones i got are a few mm smaller

If you can’t find the other side you can always replace the plugs. Those are just power anyway no signal/data to get messed up.

I think calling the banana plug bullet connector crap is hyperbolic and misleading. They are fine. If I had to solder new connectors, yeah sure I’d pick the solid type. But am I opening up my lacroix to solder 4mm banana plugs off my 100d and motors? hell no

I was the same until 2 weeks ago, a brand new flipsky motor with the same banana connectors fell right out the first time i plugged it in. Good thing this was on the bench and I didn’t plug it up to ride. I’m in the process of changing all my motors 4mm bullets. Finding it harder and harder to trust stock stuff.


In your case the connector is not the problem; the solder job from the connector to the wire was a cold solder joint. So long as you just redo all the soldering then you’d be fine without switching to new connectors.