Who wants bigger urethane wheels?

i’ve had them, they are fine on ultra smooth road / bike path, but once road start to get rough, i rather go back to smaller full thane wheels


The urethane on those things are pretty thin.

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Fixed that for you


That interchangeable option sounds like a nice idea for the future. For now, from a market perspective, I’d say it is about time to give those Cloudwheels some competition in the 120mm category, to finally have something with actual grip AND comfort in the urethane division at that size. These will sell soooo well.

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just because it isnt built doesnt mean it isnt real :sob:


I think it’s just complex :joy:

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I think I have seen these on at Maryhill last year tbh

Not surprised, someone’s gotta be testing them!

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Does anyone know how wide the Zoobomb 111mm wheels are?

70mm contact patch


Anyone know if Zoobomb 111mm wheels are made in the USA? If possible, I would prefer to have the next generation MAD Wheelz made in the USA.

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yes, made in USA

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Does Hoyt make their own wheels? Does another company make wheels for them?

gigity gigity


Made by Abec11 (the 111s)

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The thicker it is this also adds other issues of expansion and a sloppy fell to the ride I think a hub that has some give in the vertical direction would make a better ride.

Is this happening? :eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Working on it. A couple of the high quality manufacturers of wheels in China and Taiwan are not making urethane skateboard wheels anymore. Looking to Labeda where in the US. It’s going to take time.


Glad to hear it’s a possibility :slightly_smiling_face:

Some 120-130mm Mad Wheels would be awesome…

Anyone considering making something like the TB110 but with an 85mm contact patch and sideset?