Who wants bigger urethane wheels?

Personally 2.78:1 isn’t enough for 125mm wheels. A way to use it with the m1-at with the 3.8 straight cuts ratio would be more ideal, especially for higher voltage


If we have the Kegel pattern we can’t have 28mm bearing seats


Unless the Kegel pattern has flat spots to accommodate the bearing

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But then you’d need pulleys with the flats as well, which most of them do not have and would defeat the compatibility aspect.


agree. 15/48 is barely enough reduction for me for 130mm


For wheels that big we could probably run 60T just fine

we :clap: need :clap: more :clap: big :clap: thane :clap: options :clap:

would love to see this


Plenty :man_shrugging:

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I’d go for more like 1:3.5


You guys dont like going over 30mph huh? Or is everyone HV these days

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Very good point. With a 22mm OD bearing, you can still fit both 8mm and 10mm axles. That will the VAST majority of riders using urethane wheels.

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I am thinking neither. A kegel pulley with a larger overall diameter where the pins insert into the wheel core may be the way to go or just stick with the traditional kegel pattern that is already out there.

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That was the picture I took at the lame Electrify Expo event last year (they’re better put together now), there was no one to talk to at the booth and no description on the wheel itself. vaporware

This but full thanes?

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Brian brings up a very good point. larger diameters like 130mm would be pretty cool but finding/making pulleys would be a pain in the ass. With a 120mm wheel, most builds can get away with a 44-45t pulley. Once you get to sizes exceeding 120mm, it may be better to use a small AT rim (Hoyt, Berg) with a urethane sleeve. Not a thin one like the Trampa but a thicker one with shock absorbing holes or something like that.

Not quite. The wheels are 165mm in diameter with about a 40mm contact patch. If they were around 130mm diameter and 80mm wide (contact patch around 65mm) then you would have something.


My 16s vanguard will hit 40 mph on 2.78:1 on 105s. So yes.


Another thing to think about is one you start get larger than 120mm, a small AT rim could allow for interchangeable urethane tires to be used. You could have softer, harder, shock absorbing, non-shock-absorbing. Also, if the urethane gets damaged, you don’t throw the entire wheel away. Just replace the sleeve. Hell, you could even make sleeve with different materials and tread patterns.


This would be really cool. Closest we’ve got is Trampa gummies which are pretty much universally disliked.

*and objectively just bad


I’d be going 15s, I like my boards to top out between 30 and 40mph

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