Or just use “Nylon Alloy 910” to print.
Any news ?
Like summer is over, I will start again and try to finish what I didn’t road test last winter…
I also make some change on the design but the general looks should be almost the same.
These fenders/guards are beautiful, does any fit caliber style trucks with bergmeisters?
Asking me or Riako?
Asking both of you, I would be interested in anything that keeps me from taking the buss (because of rain)
You guys made them for Street wheels too? Cause I’ve not found a design that doesn’t break withing a week
Well, if you think about it, it needs to be much stronger for the larger wheels. And for me they are doing just fine printed in PETG without minimum cooling. But I haven’t made them for street wheels, I easily could. No one has asked before.
look for
Let me know how it works.
Any update? Need some files my duude.
I actually don’t own a 3d printer myself. I’m finding more and more reasons to get into that game though…
Ty, i converted it, but it is just a farcry from a real solid body.
Do you still sell them? Do they fit 8 and 9 inch wheels on a Trampa board?
Yeah @Riako – I would love to buy a pair of those guards for Bergmeisters, assuming they hold up well
hey, great work @sebaszz! do you have the files for the MBS trucks for both the front and rear tires?
So I printed a mudguard. It came out great! Thanks for the design @mishrasubhransu
Then I went ahead to design a clamp for my SR TKP trucks. Here’s what I came up with:
Printed with PETG:
I cleverly left an opening for the grub screw:
… except, I put it on a wrong face
Well, I’ll call it the v1. I think I also need to angle the guard a bit so that the rear end is closer to the ground:
I did a bit of riding with it today on wet road and it did a good job keeping the mud away from my clothes but I still ended up with a lot of mess on my enclosure. I believe that angling the guard would help. Then again I don’t want to put it too low since I’m afraid I will hit it when going over obstacles such as low curbs.
How low do you guys ride yours?
Put a piece of foam (using strong glue) like mud flaps in cars. It won’t crack on impact and also protect you from the mud. I did the same instead of angling it down.
I really like your clamp design.