Weird theories and ideas thread! any ideas welcome

You can set the sensorless erpm value to some low number. That way, it just helps you start, but afterwards it goes on sensorless mode. But know that sensorless mode in low speed is inefficient because the position and velocity estimates are not as good.

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Has anyone thought of using something like this in an esk8?

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Yeah, a few guys have done it.

Imo a tracked system would be more worth the effort.
(I like off road)

On the cheap just motorize

I personally would find some quality small rubber tracks and build aluminum frames with motor mounts and rollers for the tracks. That would mount to your axles and have some compliant attachment to the hanger.

If you had one of those high end printers parts could be possible in nylon or something but metal would be better.


What about putting magnets in your deck and embedding magnets in your shoes so you wouldn’t need grip tape?


This may be out there, but hear me out…

An expansion of the stock vesc firmware that incorporates REAL traction control via acceleration and load sensing, thus implementing skid control and ABS braking like every other serious EV on the god damn market

Sorry, my experiences have made me salty.


electrons can’t tumble in empty space

a vesc normally acts as a buck converter to reduce the battery voltage… is there any technical reason it couldn’t it be designed to also act as a boost converter, in order to make a motor turn faster than battery v * kv?

i think it would be a good idea to build such a device.


It’s not the same as that, but field weakening does what you want, Vedder said a long time ago that would work on it

This guy already did it. It’s a great idea

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Ive thought about that and realized it would probably just be cheaper, easier, and more efficient to just add a second motor

correct me if i’m wrong but won’t that require a lot more current to produce the same torque? so a lot more losses for the same thrust, reducing the efficiency? doesn’t it work by having the pulses of armature current be slightly out of phase with the rotor?

i was thinking increasing the speed of the motor beyond battery voltage * kv by incorporating a boost converter circuit into a vesc could actually improve the overall vehicle efficiency, by allowing people to use a higher gear ratio for the same top speed with the same battery.

raising the gear ratio would ordinarily decrease the motor current it takes for a certain thrust, at the cost of reduced top speed, but switching on the boost converter circuit when no load speed would ordinarily be reached would mean the rider could still have their original top speed and beyond. like afterburners.

above no load speed the battery current would be higher than the motor current which is a reversal of the usual scenario.

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Anyone wants to get one of these magnet powered lights and mount next to their motors?


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Thought about wearing a whistle but that doesn’t work with a full-face helmet :confused:

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@amanuelamanuel have a look at the soon to come ttl

Rgb light controller (includes a port for a horn)

Although I belong to the PC master race, I never really cared for RGB. Def cool concept though!

it’s not just rgb. It can control headlights and give you an active tail light along with a horn. Just like a pc, you make it what you want it to be :slight_smile:


It integrates with your vesc to pull some data and respond accordingly so it’s “smart” to a degree.

i.e. when you brake, you can have the tail lights turn on. when you brake harder, have them flash.

i.e.2 you can set the underglow color to change hue or intensity with acceleration.

Still working on setting mine up, ran in to an issue I’m debugging but looking forward to it. Sad I didn’t get it working by halloween.


I just skimmed through the thread, was quite a read. That does sounds interesting though. I’ll give it a closer read!

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I just had an idea for a push-to-start switch with a very specific use.

As everyone knows, e-switches built into BMSes are a bulletproof way of turning your board on and off. I know flipsky now has an anti-spark switch that won’t die from overheated mosfets, but shit’s expensive yo.

I think many people would find it useful to have a cheap push-to-start switch, that connected to your BMS to toggle the power on and off. 2 wires to the motor phase wires to detect when you push, and 2 wires to the BMS, in place of a regular button. Would you be interested in such a thing?

  • Yes
  • No, existing options suit me fine

0 voters

Edit: could have 2 additional wires that you could connect to the 2nd channel on your receiver to turn off the board with your remote :open_mouth:

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