Wanted items cheap or free

Tried to send some to @kellag via snail mail and they rejected it, sent me back half an envelope and one of the 2 nicely cable sleeved and heat shrunk adaptors. So now I only have one. I need to just make a shit ton and sell them for $5 a pair.


@b264 mind pmā€™ing me if you wanna sell those?

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Let me look around and see if I have 1, then I will take you up on that!

Looking for MOAR DRV error 4.12 VESCs preferably of the TB variety.

Hopefully 2 so I can get 4 matchin ones.

I would consider working ones if thatā€™s all I can get.

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Also need a set of these if anyone has! Thanks!


@NatS I still have those; PMd you

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Does anybody seem to have one of those boosted mini tail pucks theyā€™d get rid off for cheap?

damn, nothing good to read about this vendorā€¦ really wanted to avoid that


I would not use eskating*eu


and i really cant take aluminium again :joy:

the belts lasted longer than the pulley

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Iā€™m not sure if these guys are still operating over this time but they normally can make any pulley you need.


awesome, ill check that out :pray:

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what does that mean ? are they on the teeth or on the extended side ? sorry my english cant make sense of that :sweat_smile:

I would guess the extended part?

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I would say get it 3D printed

Edit: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3831418/files

Yeah I know didnā€™t find 16T anywhere else :neutral_face:

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Does anyone have or knows where i can get an enclosure to fit 10s4p with two vesc? I still need 2 of them. Seen these on enertion clearance for $28 but shipping is $40 SMH.image

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if looking for enertion cases then maybe @Chibatterysystems has some?

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