Wanted items cheap or free

Um, I still need one

Looking for a caliber style hanger/truck.

I have two caliber two hangers

I’m looking for a couple 15mm, 265mm belts? Anyone? Can trade condams if need

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I have some I think, would prob be cheaper to go Amazon tho

D&D PowerDrive 265-5M-15 Timing Belt, 265" Length, 15" Width https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ISCESOG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_uBaQDb9JXSHQ2

$9/piece on amazon. Would you be willing to ship 2 if I cover shipping and throw you $5? That’d prolly still be half the price of amazon (I’m in MN).

One of my two tb 6355 motors died on me. Can is still good. Hoping someone has one laying around with broken magnets that I can use my good can on to complete my set.
High miles fine. Hopefully cheap or willing to trade.

Well, you are lucky. I got one. Needs the inner bearings though

I’ve got a few things in my trade box.
Otherwise what do you want for is price wise ? PM me details about the motor ? Maybe a pic.

Did you get your belts?
I have one 265mm here I can’t use.

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I need a vesc, I’m in college and too broke to afford one

Yeah I’m still looking! Anything you need, I can see if I have something to trade?

Sure, PM incoming

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I’ve got some Ebay style dual motor controllers I’m not gonna use.
Where you be?


Ohio, how much do you want for them?

Still have them?

I’m looking for a couple thermal pads to go betweeen the focbox and a heat sink. Links ok, better if somone has it on hand👍

I might actually have some extra… I know I have two but I’m pretty sure I have a second little bag with 3 more.
I can dig for them this afternoon.

Pm incoming!

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Nah, sold then to a friend who was using the shitty diye kit