Wanted items cheap or free


It helps to know where you are from. Remember to add this to your inquiries and or your profile.

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Was about to link riptide as well. @ApproachCautiously if your baseplates are Paris v3 or Caliber 2 I have unused stock pivot cups leftover from when I swapped to riptide you can have

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I have some generic ass base plates which is part of the problem as I don’t know what will fit or not. Riptide doesn’t list any measurements on their pivot cups either which doesn’t help.

My current worn out ones look to have an outside diameter of 17mm and then the height from the peak of the bottom to the top is around 17 mm as well but it’s harder to measure so that could be off.

The hell hole known as Texas.

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They don’t list any of the dimensions on their pivot cups and I do not have a name brand base plate on my board. Unless there is some guide on the pivot cup sizes for each brand I can’t order from them without risking getting the wrong size.

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Caliber 2 pivot cup dimensions:





Need a set of MBS matrix trucks with motors mounts for 63xx flipsky motors shipped to toronto, canada

nvm found a set.

I’ll quote this again

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I too am looking for this shipped to Canada, if anyone has multiples. Or if @vegr0 maybe let’s try having a Canadian group buy.

It didn’t tag you in my reply, but I’m in Texas. Please send cool thoughts to my board :rofl: it needs it after hour or longer rides in 105+ f heat

Edit: It is also now in my profile

it did tag me, no worries. My second reply was directed at @vegr0


I called and gave them the dimensions of the bushings on my trucks and they told me which ones to buy.

They were super helpful.

Does anyone have a couple of jst 2.0mm pitch female connectors with 8 pos they can send me? I’m having a helluva time finding these. Trying to make some bluetooth modules. TIA

Does anyone have an old meepo v3 battery enclosure? Or v2 I think? The square boxy one.

@AviatorEsk8er had one I believe, the V3 is boxy with the USB port and voltage display


That’s the one I need! @AviatorEsk8er you got one you can part with?

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Anyone have a pair of Boardnamics M1-AT Apex Air truck adapters? Kevin’s next batch is a month out… board already been out of commission for a month, really don’t want to wait that long…

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@AviatorEsk8er where is this guy?

Been holding on to these in case I found an interesting way to use them (20s2p?).

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Anyone in US have any 8mm D-shaft 17/18t Motor pulleys? Using 12mm belt but pretty sure 15mm wide pulley will work too. Thank you!

Metr pro cable


Metr site can’t ship below £135