Eeasy $10 USD 70% capacity upgrade for all of those unfortunate 500mAh owners.
Thanks @IVoxuI for this thread. I just checked mine and to my delight I have the 850 mAh battery! Ordered August 16th, 2019.
Yeah, I guess it’s now lost on the other forum… but these fit, and @ <$5 a piece, you can give a few away on the forum to make some friends.
Just got my “new” VX1 from a builders member and it’s got the 850mah battery.
For those who got the VESC 4 version, did your remote come with a PPM or UART cable? I only got a charging cable and I’m not sure if the seller forgot to include a cable or not.
It sadly comes only with UART cable.
No cable means they forgot to include it. Did you checked under the foam protection? My cable slipped under it.