VESC Tool Mobile now on the iOS App Store

No permissions issues pop up.

I’ll try disconnecting in the Bluetooth settings and launching the VESC tool right now.


Got it! Turned off Bluetooth, with Bluetooth off I restarted my phone. First thin when it turned on I opened the vesc tool and it appeared. Thank you!

Yes I just confirmed if I connect a paired device from the ble menu in iOS then scan in the app it doesn’t seem to show up. I will need to dig a bit and see if maybe we could access already connected devices.


Turning Bluetooth on and off seemed to fix the issue there also. Maybe at a minimum there should be a help button there suggesting that and also saying that if the Bluetooth device isn’t a vesc nrf chip it won’t work.


For me I needed to fully restart the phone. Toggling Bluetooth wasn’t enough. But I’m just stoked it’s working!

Strange, did it ask permissions for BLE at that point? Or maybe it did the first time you opened and just was clicked through quickly.

I believe the very first time it did and I granted it but that’s when nothing was connecting. At this point it’s all good.

You need to not have the device paired under iOS settings. That’s the way app based temporary Bluetooth connections work. If the system finds the device is paired, the system connection takes priority. You don’t actually have to restart the phone or turn Bluetooth off and on, you just have to go into Bluetooth and forget the paired device from settings and wait a bit


It is interesting because in the current beta-version of the tool we actually support just-works pin pairing and that didn’t seem to cause any issues with connecting. Maybe since the pairing is initialized from the app instead?

Great! I was waiting for this. Would be cool if someone makes a tutorial video for noobs like myself. I hosed my settings when I opened it the first time and clicked randomly. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, the defer logic in CoreBluetooth is something like peripheral > system > app afaik. CoreBluetooth also isn’t the most transparent either when it comes to these things :sweat_smile:

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I did just upload the demo video I made for app review to youtube as I figured it at least gives a fast overview of a good portion of the app:

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Thanks a lot for your contributions, we enjoy them a lot.

I would like to ask you about the possibility to implement to Vesc tool mobile, profiles that contains all the settings from app config, that would be extremely useful, at least for onewheelers.
At the moment we create a back up and load a XML with different settings, so we can have like two profiles, but of course as soon we restore the backup, the actual settings are gone.
For instance how about to be able to have more than 1 backup stored in the phone and give it a name. Another option maybe it could be the ability to load xml’s directly in the mobile app.

Thanks mate

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App worked great for me! Thanks for doing this man!

That is an interesting idea, I’ll think more on it but it makes sense at first glance.

Update: spoke with Ben and he thinks this sounds like a reasonable feature also so we will add it to the to do list but it may be some time before we take a look at it.

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I love this app. Came at exactly the right time for me.

I’m using a NRF module with it successfully. Works great except for one thing.
Every once in a while after changing settings I will get something that pops up on the screen asking if I want to undo or cancel the action I just applied. I will hit cancel but it will pop up a few seconds later, usually after applying the brakes for some reason.
I have to close and reopen the app to get rid of the issue.
Any suggestions?

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Is it the shake to undo thing from Apple? Think you can disable that in your iPhone settings. Screenshot would be helpful.

Every Apple device has a shake to undo, think you can disable that in settings

It’s not shake to undo. I’ll take a screenshot and post next time it happens. Thanks

When I’m scrolling down to switch screens in RT data on my iPhone it always lags and presses the reset trip button… I’m not sure this is an app issue or my phone but thought I would mention it.