
What are shipping times from them like atm

And does that app only work for ack firmware or if I use firmware 5 should that be ok

I doubt it works with FW5, go try it and see. It works with the Unity production firmware and it works with Ack firmware, which is still more reliable than any other.

Have no issues here with my metr pro.

It would be nice if HM-10 support was brought back, at least for limited stuff like telemetry, changing modes, maybe not firmware updating but I agree with @mmaner HM-10 always worked just fine for what I needed it for on older firmware and Acks.


It does not work with FW5


Be sure to refresh the COM list before connecting.
Switching from FW4 to FW5 seems to make change the COM port on Windows.

Just grab a nRF51822 like this one.

You just need to flash it using the SWD port of your VESC.
Then it works perfectly fine with VESC Tool mobile (telemetry, profiles, config, FW updateā€¦).
For only $3 shipped. :+1:


Thank you all for replying to my problem. Will test if it works to refresh the USB port directly after frimware update later today.

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yupā€¦ any idea where i can find these?

Only the master VESC needs an accelerometer, and you can get an external unit quite cheap. :innocent:


is this compatible as well? Its about 2x the cost and i need to buy 5, but i donā€™t want to wait 30-50 days for shipping :rofl: i could use at least 5 anyways.

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for those of us who struggle at searching for these things, can you give a link to an inexpensive imu breakout board we can click n buy

i know there are a few mems sensors supported, so if you could give us your opinion which one is most precise and drifts the least for the buck? and ships to the united states in fewer than 30 days :slight_smile:

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The MPU6050 can be really cheap tho the reviews for this seller are kinda sketchy. But lots of sellers for 2$ or 3$ more.

The other main option is the BMI160 weirdly there are no fast shipper currently on amazon, or any ebay stock in the USA so here is the cheapest ebay.

This is kinda ironic because the MPU6050 is the one that should be out of stock, and the BMI160 should be flooding the markets.


Yes, probably.
But try to find a 32kb RAM if possible
16kb works but the higher the better.
In any case, boths have dedicated FW. :+1:


Alright, gonna go half and half, 2 of each, and get my slow modules fast, and my fast modules slow.

Both will work fast, donā€™t worry.
Could be great to build a little PCB.
I ordered some nRF with u.fl connector for hooking an external antennal. :+1:


So I installed FW5.1 on my unity last night and noticed when HFI kicked in, metr app would sometimes report DRV errors. Anyone else seen this before? I already reverted back to FW23.46 out of fear.

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Can corroborate that, I reverted and immediately got my temp readings back.


In the old Focbox Tool is was under the ā€œGeneral APP settingsā€ under the heading ā€œSmart switch settingsā€ā€¦ doesnā€™t seem to be present in the VESC Tool. Unless there is a way to change it via a terminal command I think you would have to take up @b264ā€™s advice.

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hey brianā€¦ where can I find the XML filesā€¦ I saved them but VESC tool didnā€™t ask for a locationā€¦ i looked in the folder with the tool and in downloadsā€¦ nada tostada XML filesā€¦

I looked all over for those fuckers. I forgot where I found them, but Iā€™m on a Linux system so itā€™d probably be different anyway. If I recall maybe they got stuffed in the Documents folder.