One thing I have been figuring out is that I keep lowering the HFI cut-in erpm and each time I lower it, the skate works better. Right now I’m at

HFI Start Voltage: 22.00V
HFI Run Voltage: 8.00V
HFI Max Voltage: 12.00V
Sensorless ERPM HFI: 1085.00 (0.75mph)

…and have plans to lower it from 1085 to 868erpm next time I am in the settings… 2000 is definitely too high… but I haven’t found a value I recommend yet… and every motor/ESC will be different I think…


This in mine, haven’t played around with Sensorless ERPM HFI yet.

HFI Start Voltage: 12.00V
HFI Run Voltage: 4.00V
HFI Max Voltage: 6.00V
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perhaps we can take example from other disciplines… when you first get in the VESC tool it asks you what iz your pleasure…
for example…

  • robotics
  • esk8
  • agricultural
  • balance
  • none of your bidness

and the tool automatically limits your basic on screen selection process… but a simple… “advanced” button gives you any and all options possible…

I found the FOCBOX UI, cool… too the point… up and riding in a minute… but when I look at VESC tool… I see parts of the greek alphabet I didn’t know existed…

fuuk yeah… dumb down the basic interface with always the option to unleash the firmware krakken would be awwesome…


Updated to Unity FW 5.1 from FW 23.46 in about 10 seconds. Seamless. Re-configuration was slightly more difficult (perhaps just different/unfamiliar or new) but really only a small learning curve.

Tested out the smart reverse and I think the default values are good. I’m definitely used to holding the brake all the way back but I think I understand how this is supposed to be used. I also tried current hyst reverse with brake (no ermp limit) and didn’t like that but I’ll give it a try with a low negative erpm limit and see how it compares to smart reverse.

Everything is great except I lost my motor temp readings… shows up at -100˚C. Can anyone help with that?


I quit… Too mucho trabajo…mi crudo…necesito muy mas facil…m

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I keep switching back to Current Hyst Reverse with Brake because Smart Reverse I just can’t seem to like. I just keep the “Don’t go overspeed in reverse” in mind any time I back up and definitely don’t back up when facing uphill… and if you do lose brakes by overspeed, start footbraking immediately before you gain any more speed

edit 2022: do NOT set an erpm limit, and do this if you want to limit speed:


When ya figger it out… Let us know… I really don’t need reverse that much need 100% control and intuitive control…

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Then you want Current No Reverse with Brake :ok_hand:

Forward always goes forward and backward always stops wheels. Always.



100% agree…


Been rocking that since the beginning and love it. Smart reverse may prove useful on DD tho

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if you could get a simple reliable intuitive control that you could switch from auto-manual… HFI on start… ride into the sunset mode… well let me just say i’d do bad things… maybe even a burn out mode…

4wd fronts locked like lilocks spin up the rears smoke show… yeah I do it on corded pneummies…

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You could do lots of things like that if the VESC had multiple servo inputs but nobody except me seems to think that’s a good idea. Can someone say “switch to wheelie mode at-will”

Because that’s the first thing I’d do after purchasing my first actual Trampa brand ESC


Preach Brother… hey robot… @DerelictRobot this is what the people want… and store mode… where your 40# board balances on it’s rear wheels and follows you around the store… stalking you ass like meth freek lookin at sk00L girlz…


ok… the GF is telling me to cum to bed… I’m high as kite… my board runs on fw5.1

i’m calling today a win and i’ll let hfi beat me up another day…

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Multiple PPM input ports? Got it!

How does PPM/UART forwarding ports sound (really should be using a proper CAN implementation or I2C, but more options always better)?

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I reverted back to Unity FW 23.46 using the FOCBOX Tool no issue.

I couldn’t get my temp sensors to work on FW 5.1. I tried the beta value the vesc tool gave me (3380K), what torqueboards gave me (3435K), and the value the old FOCBOX Tool gave me (4100K). Temp sensors work fine on FW 23.46 :man_shrugging:

Also @Deodand, it couldn’t find the values for push to start and time to hold down the power button in the general settings of the APP… did they not make it to the VESC Tool? I really like changing that value to half so a quick press on the Unity shuts it off.


Temp sensors don’t work for me either on the Unity.
They were working fine with the old unity fw.


Not sure about any Unity stuff, but a lot of values that can’t be changed in the user interface are still able to be edited if you export the settings as XML and then edit the file and import the edited settings file.

You could at least try that.


Even if you had a 2nd PWM input, who is to say it can be used to change apps? Someone would have to write that code, and the UI to configure it. Maybe the 2nd PWM should be an alternate throttle curve, or reversed so you can let goofy/regular rider use your mountainboard. Just because you have a 2nd PWM doesn’t mean it will do some arbitrary VESC configuration change you want.

And it makes no sense to use a PWM signal as a push button.

  1. The power button, which already exists, should do this, with either a short or long press.
  2. The ADC pins can do it too, they’re also unused.
    3)An arduino accessory on the can bus or uart can do it without requiring any work in the firmware or hardware.

But hey, you already can switch to wheelie mode with the push of a button, on your phone instead of your remote. I know this is such an insurmountable hurdle to push a button on a different device, that a whole team of people need redesign hardware and firmware just for you.

Honestly if you really wanted wheelie mode you would have set it up already. Because nothing is actually stopping you.

If I do ever make a toggle PWM to Balance, it wont require any buttons at all. If you’re not moving and hop to a wheelie with foot sensors engaged, your in wheelie mode, and if you’re not moving and use the remote you’re in PWM mode until you come to a stop. Its that simple.

But I’m not going to implement it, because I don’t feel like using it this week, and I’ve seen all of 0 people using wheelie mode. Even tho it is 100% possible to set up right now and has been for months.

Get me video of 100 people using wheelie mode on different setups and ill do it.

This is a 2nd list of reasons why adding another PWM channel is a terrible idea. I’m officially done with the subject.


Yeah I know :slight_smile: If the hardware exists, I will work on a pull request.

I haven’t used it because I don’t want a skate that does only wheelie mode, and I don’t want to start adding custom boards and new wireless devices to a system that can kill me if it malfunctions. That’s more points to break. Breaking out one more input on the MCU that is already running reading from the other device that’s already running is the most sound way in my mind.

You are wondering why nobody is using it when the things to make it really usable in the real world aren’t here yet.

In my opinion, the cleanest, most robust, fastest, most reliable, and most preferred way to add that is simply to break out another input on the ESC and add a tiny bit of code. I’m not going to do it any other way, I will just simply not use it at all. :man_shrugging:

You don’t think it’s important because I’m not using it now. News flash: just because nobody was riding esk8 before they were invented, that does not mean they weren’t going to be important after they were invented. Should we just have not invented them, because we could have gotten places with a horse and buggy?

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