Veiftech - DIY upgraded Leiftech V2

Oh thank God 0v out the battery my focer are oke probably

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ruh roh


The cable just broke ? All is fine ?

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Shit solder joint combined with using vice grips on said solder joint causing it to crack off.

If the foil crimps were larger so I didn’t have to crimp on the wire that would be less of an issue.

Nothing real bad happened, look to the bright side !

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omg I just realized I could hook the ts100 up to the battery in order to fix it.

Kinda tempted to just for the meme…


wtf the ts100, the soldering iron ?
How would that fix anything :joy:

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Fixing the battery using the battery to solder itself

Kind of like driving down the freeway on two wheels while your buddy changes a flat tire on a wheel that’s in the air


I’ve seen this on youtube, it’s scary and impressive at the same time


Sounds like a good way to short the battery with the soldering iron


haha this is what I thought might happen, idk if the heating coil would be live to the iron though lol

I really need to get the focboxes out of this and get in some cheap focers, in my testing it draws about 30-40A batt max per motor so they would be perfect.

Get some cheap 4.12, if you don’t want foc (or just stick to 10s)

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Cheap focers should be exactly what I need. I do have some 4.12 vescs but I wanted to use them in an AWD esk8.

Could use them in it.

switched the vescs from ack to FW5 bc I don’t need to use hm10 bt module anymore.

One mess of a lubrication and clean up job later she’s ready to rock a couple of more times.

Both the motors spin up on their own again! Looking forward to ride tomorrow, I also want to try running two 6S1P packs in parallel for 355Wh total.

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yeah ahhh rides like a dream.

A very uncomfortable dream


super mad that I missed out on these motors, glad mine have held up at least. I really want to get a pair still so I can go ~10S

oh what a useful looking thread right now

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itz back

and I actually am ready to upgrade the motors because I finally ordered the new wheels

my wheels were believe it or not, worse than @b264’s


Actually it should be possible to use hm10 with fw5, you just have to add a few bits of code
here’s a guide. I will try to follow it and recompile the firmware with the added stuff once my board is working.


interesting, I bet that would be useful for some folks!

I’m going to eventually go all freesk8 on all my boards.

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