Veiftech - DIY upgraded Leiftech V2

Which side has the steeper concave? The heelside when riding regular?

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uhh it’s a freebord so you can just switch the bindings around, but the edge/side of the deck with the freebord logo on it has the steeper so that makes sense to me.

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Top side, bottom is all logo lol

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never ridden leif v1 for $315 shipped before the snipe.

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Did you get it?

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the final price after tax and shipping was almost $350 but the v2 cost me $400

I will investigate any differences besides the wheels and eventually get them both upgraded with freebord 5X parts. Getting a summerboard later will really complete this set.

I have this idea for a durable underboard battery that you could boardslide on.


did freebord agree to send you 5X? ive been trying to get them to sell me a set with no luck.

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You didn’t really say much there but did you ask for only the 5-x trucks?

I ordered the board. Idk if you have seen the E-Caster project that I am mainlining.

If you read they said the truck will be available In the shop after launch.

it even has screws! prob should make the top plastic as well.



LEIFTECH V1 has arrived, and been taken to bits. It was nice to take one apart that was presumably assembled by aaron himself to see exactly how it was meant to be set up.


.01V out each side… instant unwrap

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lids up
@Gamer43 SW1? serial write I’m guessing JTAG? whut is
never even been used
these screws with non lock nuts are on there very light and the black silicone prevents them coming off. Just prevents the PCB coming off the thermal pad, speaking of, check out that Jay-po level thermal management solution

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Nice, they went with a TI instapsin solution, nice to see a real motor controller.

SW1 stands for SWitch 1.
Unpopulated reset button.

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yeah they switched to a more direct VESC 6 based ESC for the Summerboard now, will be good to take a look at that.

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Wtf why would they go for worse performance.

Instaspin is a professional solution and tough to beat.


idk vesc tool compatibility is pretty sweet, not sure what kind of port options are on said new vesc based esc for actually making good use of the VESC ecosystem.

I have been hoping someone will ask if they can convert their SBX with broken caster into a regular electric board and I’ll be all over that.

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It’s not worth pissing away 50% extra current and exposing yourself to other people’s bugs imo.

Unless you mean they simply made it compatible with vesc tool and are running something else under the hood?

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no clue, It had been out for 1-2 years before I even heard it was VESC tool compatible. I would imagine they used the example but I’m guessing.

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