(US) WTS: 6374 motors, Armored hoodies (size M)

Hi there! Buy my stuff? Posted prices include shipping within the US. I will incur any PayPal fees. Prices are negotiable within reason.

Flipsky 190kv 6374 motors - Idk if sensors work

$40 shipped

LazyRolling armored hoodie, size M (Level 1 pads)

I love this hoodie, but I need the money. It’s in great condition, near-new. Not really sure how to price this, but it’s almost $200 new from LazyRolling.

$100 shipped

RevZilla kevlar armored jacket/hoodie, size M

Another like-new hoodie/jacket. I don’t remember what I paid for this one, but I think it was close to $200 because it has some fancy kevlar lining.

$100 shipped


What happened here???

all that is left is the pins and the little plastic snap on protector thing you use to cover the solder joints.

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this is how I received it :man_shrugging:

looks like it just needs a new xt90 cover

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I think those are bigger bullet connectors with the xt back molding just acting as a harness?


makerx shipped their esc like this? That’s def not standard lol

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wasn’t shipped to me from makerx

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weird mod bro. dunno why Radium would wanna do all that but GLWTS

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yeah no idea lol, easy fix tho

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who needs a vescarooooo

someone buy this :pleading_face:

Honestly still trusting the ubox is pretty brave, even if it may have had nothing to do with the crash.


yes thank you evan, I am very brave

may use the funds from this to get the dv6 pro, I prefer something with a power button and being able to potentially run higher amps would be nice


bump! taking offers, need the $$

blarp, who needs cheap vesc

Don’t forget to post in the telegram if you haven’t already

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What’s the telegram?

daily bump! price negotiable :upside_down_face:

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bump & price drop ~

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