🔋 [US] Molicel Battery Group Buy - Order Form - Closed 3/12/21

Hey all. This is a continuation of the group buy that started in this thread:

There wasnt enough interest or demand for the Samsung cells (plus the prices quoted by my supplier were hot garbage) so I cut them, and this is a Molicel only GB now.

For the folks who were on the list for 30Q’s, I encourage you to order P26A’s instead. They are a better cell and deliver more range and power than 30Q’s for esk8 use. I have evidence to back up that claim, I’m working on a forum post right now.

For those of you who were on the list for 40T’s… Why? :joy: The P42A is a better cell (by a bit) and cheaper/more available to boot!

Anyway, that’s enough of my fact-based-opinions for one post. Here’s the order form:

Form closed 3/12/2021!

Prices right now are looking like:

P42A: $4.32/cell
P26A: $3.60/cell

I’ll be getting free shipping to my workshop here in Portland, Oregon (97220). I will be ground shipping your package via ShipBikes.com (an excellent and cheap ground shipping service that works with battery shippers) and will be purchasing full insurance for every package (unless you ask me not to and absolve me, in writing, of any liability for your cells being lost or damaged in shipping). Trust me, the insurance is worth the couple extra dollars.

Disclaimer and details - READ THIS

I will be ordering from 18650BatteryStore (I am negotiating with a wholesale rep over there), where I have ordered thousands of cells from before.

I am very confident that they do their utmost to confirm the quality and legitimacy of their cells. For that reason, and for the reason that I simply dont have the time or the financial headroom for it, I will not be testing any of the cells that I redistribute for this group buy, nor will I guarantee against any bad cells you might get in your order. I will be trusting 18650BatteryStore, and if you order then you will be too.

I recommend this standard practice when ordering cells for a battery pack; order a couple extras. When I order cells for a 12s4p, I get 50, not 48.

I dont have enough money to bankroll this myself, so payment will be collected and then the battery order will be placed. All payment will be done though PayPal, G&S fees covered by the buyer. If you dont want to pay PayPal fees, contact me privately and we can discuss F&F payment (which I do not recommend).

Shipping will also be covered by the buyer, and will be assessed once I get your cells and pack them up. If you want a specific quote for a specific number of cells, contact me and I can give you an estimate!

Contiguous United States ground shipping only


@jack.luis @Bobby @Saturn_Corp @YeetMeat @hoytkid @natebolo @TheRef @nomadic_myke @Static @BGT-R @pduck911 @Krommm @drone001 @SmokeNEsk8 @JoeyZ5 @Evwan @bonesaw @Coarli @hypocist @MisaC @Minimadness @AndreaB @Ace @yelnats8j @Skyart @worldismine772 @Superflim @A13XR3

Sorry if I tagged you and you already told me you are out, I was just running though and copying everyone who voted on the original polls.


I was interested in the 40T’s :frowning:

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I was quoted $8/cell for those, even at 2500 quantity.

:frowning: indeed.




Yerp. Samsung is trying their damndest to get their cells off the retail market, and that is really putting the squeeze on folks like us. Molicel has our backs though, and the P42A is a better cell than the 40T. You should buy that :wink:


The price on their website skyrocketed this week and they entirely removed 30T’s from the bulk site…


Why? Arent margins higher?

Also, is payment due right away?

Is Canada included in that contiguous US part? Lol

All good if you can’t ship to Canada ground.


What’s the insurance/shipping cost going to be like? Is it the fixed cost on their website? Or something a little different since it’s (probably lol) not gonna be a bike sized box

Molicel is the new king for battery cells, until i finish digging the tunnel to Elon’s new gigafactory for the big boi cell


Because the liability is huge, and the reseller market for their cells is minuscule compared to the business they do selling millions of cells a month to major battery pack manufacturers.

They really really really dont want their cells to end up in the hands of vapers who pull massivr current from them in a (sometimes) unprotected mod that they are holding up to their face. It’s a recipe for disaster, and I’m pretty sure there have been lawsuits filed against cell manufacturers from vapers who have blown themselves up.

Folks like @Battery_Mooch are doing the lords work of trying to educate vapers on safe cell use, so that the small number of dumbasses blowing themselves up and looking for someone to blame dont ruin the cell market for the rest of us :joy:


My shipping partner ShipBikes doesn’t do international stuff usually, so I would have to work with a different shipper. The costs would likely be way too high to be worth it.

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If you give me:

Your zip code
How many cells
What kind of cells

Then I can give you a shipping estimate. Here’s a couple estimates from the last thread:


Could you give me a quick estimate?

15642 (Irwin, PA)

I’m guessing it’s probably wise to aim for multiples of 100 and 25 as they are the boxes they come in right?

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So, Duck man,

Do I do a 10s5p of p26a, or a 10s4p of p42a

The space I have is more keen to have the 18650’s but I can squeeze the length if I move a charge port.

I have a feeling the 10s4p will give more range and performance. What do you think?

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Getting in the car now guys, I’ll try to get to this later tonight! Sorry :grimacing:


im in for at least 200 cells maybe 300-400 if I can get one more person on my build list.


60608 (Chicago, IL)
54 (possibly more, I haven’t decided if I should get more yet)

Also, insurance costs are these:
right? Sorry I’m running on fumes rn lol

Thank you for putting this together too :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you specific a date for putting in our cell request? I’m working out a pack request from a client

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