πŸ”‹ [US] Bulk Battery Group Buy - Gauging Interest

I need more p42a’s in these next few months and this base price is better than liion wholesale which I’ve previously bought from.


I’m the wrong coast for this, best case is a $0.282 discount per cell for me so shipping 100 cells costs the same as the savings, and I don’t have the money or the space to buy 300 cells, sorry guys


We’re close by , I go to DC often, I could use more DIY friends


Haha I might come by for some group rides one day :yum:

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I’m in the same boat as Zach but I’m definitely interested.

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@BenjaminF can you check what 200 cells is to mid Atlantic?

Heya duck, I may be interested in this. Any idea what shipping to San Diego for around 100-150 cells would be? 21700 cells that is.

200 P42A cells shipped to:

133 E Delaware Ave
Newark, DE 19711

we are looking at $48.27 for shipping + $1000 insurance.

150 P42A cells to:

713 63rd St
San Diego, CA 92114

would be $30.21 for shipping + $700 insurance through ShipBikes.

I shopped around a lot, and the cheapest I could find for both of these was ShipBikes.com. ParcelMoney is a couple bucks cheaper, but only without insurance. With insurance shipbikes is still cheapest. Unless I want to use USPS flat rate boxes, which I’m pretty sure is illegal.

If anyone knows of a better/cheaper method for shipping heavy stuff, let me know!


Oof, a whopping savings of $8.12 across 200 cells :joy::joy:

(Assuming shipping to you is about the same as shipping to me)


If this GB doesnt make financial sense for everyone, then there’s a possibility it wont happen. I’ll have to find out about shipping cost to me and final cell cost.


I was looking back at the GB that @ahrav ran last year, and wondering how it all worked out for a decent price for everyone. I guess the answer is just that those cells were more expensive back then, so $4.50 a cell was a much better price than it is now. :man_shrugging:

This might have to be a high-rollers only group buy :joy:


You can ship to yourself for free over $500. Something like an hour and I’ll edit a screenshot with the discount code in. added below @BenjaminF

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maybe @BenjaminF you could ship all the cells required to the coast and then distributed from there
so maybe @ZachTetra will recieve them and hand out/ship to people near him

@ZachTetra @jack.luis I need to build a 8s 20-24p pack of p42a the three of us should combine shipping.

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Maybe he’s going the stooge route. Either way I’m down to help.


stooge wouldnt do 24p
he does lipos at like 10ah or something tiny


I’m building a 50mph 100+mile range board because I can.


Yes! Yes😈


thats the way to think

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