Unity replacement community wishlist


it’s true enough for it to be a problem for us. Vedder could do it though, assuming vesc tool doesn’t depend on GPL licensed work by others…

Edit: changed link, previous one was for the mac app store, woops



So the issue here is really nuanced. I won’t go into super detail, but the short version of it is you can do it if vedder or trampa doesn’t have a problem with it. A blanket statement saying that Apple doesn’t allow OSS in the App Store is entirely untrue. If it were true there would be no App Store at all since millions of apps rely on OSS such as AFNetworking and others. There’s also the issue of GPL being a terrible license to release under if you truly care about open source, but that’s another matter entirely.

When I was working on the unity project, trampa actually DM’d me saying if I was using any of vedder’s code, they would have legal grounds to take the app down and whatnot. So we’re pretty clear on their position, and it’s clear that it’s not Apple disallowing. I’m happy to say that I did not use any of vedder’s work in my app and certainly don’t plan to in the future.


Without starting a war, your story is a great example of the different types of free software mindsets. One that wants software to be accessible to as many people as possible, and the other that wants the freedoms (rights) of the new users to be there. Thanks for sharing :+1:


So it’s trampas fault?


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  1. Small
  2. 6-20s
  3. Kick to start
  4. Metr built in
  5. Antispark
  6. Bluetooth setup like unity but with full functional deep parameters
  7. Heatsink options that allow for direct mounting to deck or enclosure
    8.bms voltage input pins ( use nano connectors/ not .1mm pitch
  8. 2 amp buck conversation to 12 volts for myriad lighting options
  9. Brake and acc light hookups for LEDs off the buck converters.
  10. 300 price point
  11. Can bus / uart for 4wd.
  12. 500/5k/10k pot inputs / hall
  13. Usb-c

No more singles!
If you are using a monster motor, wire use both sides and allow that option


Check out the dual neobox when it comes out in February, it’ll be all over the front page you can’t miss it.

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I know apple doesn’t ban Open Source projects in the app store, but for whatever reason it seems harder for developers to get their apps into the Apple app store than it is to get them into the Play Store. And its also much easier for a normal user with an Android to get a 3rd part app onto their phone that ISNT in the app store.

I feel like the android version of apps always comes out first.

EDIT: More on topic: I literally just want someone to start releasing copys of the FOCBOX. It was perfect. $100 FOCBOX + USB-C with built in bluetooth == free money.

$100 is stretching it. I’d rather pay $150 and get better QC and support

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Our neoBOX V4 is $80. Final price is $85 with case.


Agree on the USB-C, but also lock it down such that it never comes off under normal use.

Enertion made a few stupid mistakes. One of them was not adding a $0.00001 drop of whatever glue to properly fix the port onto the pcb.


My USB port fell off my unity :frowning:


Actually, there is no need for any low level stuff. There exist libraries for BLE that take care of it, on android as well as on iOS. Setting up a Bluetooth connection and sending over some data or retrieving it is an easy task on any platform. I guess 80-90% of such an esk8 app is UI.

Apple is just in general super picky and restrictive. That has nothing to do with open source, but with code quality, whether you have the right kind of screenshots of your app, description text, library version up to date, privacy, etc. Many seemingly fine apps get rejected because of that. Another difference here is that Google follows defined guidelines rather strictly, Apple shows a lot of highhandedness.

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I’m a bit late but I am a long time Unity user. The Focbox UI setup is pretty convenient but I would settle for just a Metr module. Leave the UI/software to @rpasichnyk and @hexakopter and let @jeffwuneo and @Deodand work on hardware and production.

What I need:

  • Reliable 12s
  • 120 battery amps
  • 100 motor amps (per motor)
  • Integrated heatsink
  • Similar or smaller form factor

What I want:

  • Reliable, integrated anti-spark
  • Protective case
  • 13s
  • Up to 240 battery amps
  • Up to 120 motor amps (per motor)
  • everything listed in the what I need

I hope my Unity lasts until a better V6 based replacement can take it place after it kicks the can but running 10s and 60-80 battery amps doesn’t have me worried about lifespan very much :grin:


You’re not wrong that a lot of it is UI. There is however complex work in building good UI. Not really an easy task building it. Animation code is not magic, it’s a lotta hard work. I would also say you’re not simply just sending and receiving some information, there is a whole layer inbetween which takes a lot of work to build. I would know cause… you know… I built the Unity iOS app :upside_down_face: But I digress


Ah, good to know, thanks. I know that UI is also work. I’m a computer science masters student who works part time in a team of android and iOS developers (I do native Android and now mostly flutter) for 3 years now. I also realized talking to our iOS devs that many things that are easy on android (and especially flutter) are tedious on iOS. But you can’t generalize that. E.g. animations in flutter are magic, the framework does everything for you most of the time. And that layer in between isn’t low level, only the actual Bluetooth code is (which you don’t need to bother with yourself).

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I see where you’re coming from. I’m more talking about detailed animation, getting into stuff like having to calculate and draw each frame. Not talking about transition animations where you just have to interpolate views/components so to speak on a basic level.

Also not trying to generalize. I was specifically talking about how it’s harder on iOS in this instance and my reply is based on that context. Translation layers are relatively lower level than most of the UI code in the app. Same logic I apply to emulators I wrote years ago and their translation layers for different OSes

Sorry we sorta derailed the thread @BillGordon pls handcuff me and take me away tell my family I love them a bit :cry:

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Ok, I see. I don’t want to argue against anything that you say, I just wanted to emphasize that in my opinion there isn’t any special hurdle for making an iOS esk8 app.

Just curious, why do you need to get into something like that?

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Mostly cause I like building pretty things and one of my major peeves with all the iOS eskate apps out there is that they all have :nauseated_face: UI/UX. So I wanna build something that’s not only easy to use but also beautiful to look at



Easy and beautiful right here