I’m planning my first DIY and I want to do everything except for the battery myself.
I’m a snowboarder so I would like to get something similar if possible with the deck/truck combination. I would like to carve, slide with the back wheels on gravel and do a little jumping.
Solid part choices. One thing I’d change is the remote. The VX1 is a hit or miss in terms of reliability. Check out the Puck Bruce remote.
Trampa trucks use egg shaped bushings and springs, and also barrels for their steering. Matrix IIs use wedged shape bushings for theirs. Both have a different feeling, but I think you’ll like the Matrixs.
Just to poison you further… check out the Apex Airs trucks
I’d try buying an MBS Complete and replacing the deck. In the end you still come out ahead since it comes with the trucks, bindings, tires, tubes, bearings, and hubs for less than it costs to buy them individually, even without the deck.
Out of the 10 I’ve had all are still working better then most other remotes I’ve used, including the hoyt puck. Companies like lacroix and bioboards use the VX1 as a standard remote and have minimal issues reported with it. As a budget option it is one of the best out there.
You could, since you had already planned on the Haero deck (which is higher quality), I figured you’d switch it out anyways. Nothing wrong with the MBS deck.
Check out ATBShop, it’s based in the UK so all the import stuff should have been dealt with by them already.
Depends on where you’ll be riding. I’m going to use a VX1 on my mountainboard because I don’t expect there to be any RF-noisy areas in the woods Haven’t had any radio interference in the city either yet. But yeah if you plan on riding on the streets, then a puck would be a better choice.