No info can be found on either forum, apart from common sense
So on small boards/penny boards, (let say under 31’'-ish) what is the ideal hanger size, for you?
Here are some examples of what i would call a small board as for reference.
So, of course, smaller trucks have better manoeuvrability but are less stable (*compared to wider trucks) and wider trucks are the opposite.
In this topic i don’t care about axle size and different drive options, if you want a small board witha small drive then you are either going single, dual diagonal or hub motor anyway and that is your choice depending on what you want to build.
I just want to know what size trucks Is the most appropriate for small boards. <125mm? >175mm?
What is ‘‘too big’’ or ‘‘too small’’.
btw what are surfrodz hybridz trucks?
I also want to add that this thread might go very well in conjunction with this thread
On small decks with kicktails, anything over 185mm is too long imho. The short ones give you so much control over the vehicle.
Also wide rear hangers make kick-pushing without hitting the wheel difficult if you need to do it in an emergency.
On longboards with no kicktail and a longer wheelbase, wider 200mm+ hangers seem to offer few disadvantages in my experience. They do seem to make the steering a tiny bit muted or dampened in my experience, but not nearly as much as on a shorter wheelbase.
Thank you both. I knew i had forgotten a build of your’s @Linny, i mean you have too many to remember
I don’t like how common-looking the calibers look imo so i i am thinking more Surfrodz or something more fancy, but at the same time a small board like this does not go ‘‘very fast’’.
Just to add a question, what makes a ‘‘precision truck’’ to justify the price. For example a surfrodz rkp 184mm vs Aera RF-1? is it just the precision/tolerance in the cnc/forging or the quality of metal? Does one really feel a difference?
I do feel a difference when riding Caliber IIs and the Boardnamics 184mms. It feels more snappy and responsive when turning, also gives me a bit more confidence riding a bit faster?
So on calibers 2s you can put dual drive, that’s how it was done with 1st raptor for example. But maybe with 9mm or 12mm belts.
So SR tkp come in 127,150 and 177 mm. Plenty of mounts available also.
The precision part comes mostly from bushing seat and straight axles. Because when forging or casting regular trucks, the axle bend so wear on the wheels is uneven and mount alignment is not perfect.
In my opinion, there is no need for precision trucks on commuter/slow boards. But for speed junkies, there are benefits
Also, for most of the SR trucks, the motors mount at the ends of the hangers. For caliber, they mount on the hanger. The clamp mounts have a bit more flexibility than the end clamps. For SR, there’s gonna be less adjustability in the motor mounts, if any. Not true with tkp
A 200 SR hanger with a press fit mount will have 200mm between motors and no way to bring that in. VS my 184 BN hanger that currently has 130mm between mounts.
So a 184 hanger really winds up about 210mm since there is 13mm of Wheel pulley, bearing and spacer before the inner wheel bearing on each side. For a SR hanger with pressfit axle/mounts, that will add more… should at least. I don’t own them ***** not true with hex tkp
Hell I’m running a 127mm hanger in the rear with the 179 up front.
My clamps are at the very end of the hanger.
And then I have it set up where I have bearings throughout the entirety of my pulleys. ( 3 each)