Ride in the rain, here we come. No need for plastic bags and (as much) fear this time!
Well at least there’s that.
Trail Blazer bomber no more? That’s it. I throw the towel and say goodbye to this.
Still a bomb, just hidden behind some plastic
ok. bombing still down the street lol
drivetrain still not “complete”, cuz still missin’ the wheel bearings.
That was a lot of water and mud. opened it up and there was not a droplet of liquid inside…
I need to get fresh clothes.
Might as well rotate those Wheels while you’re at it
Ugh but that’s effort.
Just gonna wait till my new tires get here from China. Who knows when thatt’l be.
The ones you ordered would finally show up when I sent you some lol
Had a small crash last weekend that broke the remote (see here) Paired a new one to discover an error on one esc when applying throttle and won’t move the motor. This might have been the cause of my fall, idk. Tried hooking it up to the computer last night to check for faults but it wouldn’t connect so I will try more later.
Fuck dude… No good
So it’s coming up as a DRV error in Metr. Gonna pull the esc out and examine the pcb and chips. This is definitely what threw me off.
Fucking lame dude. You okay btw?
Was pretty sore for a week but perfectly fine otherwise.
I may have a focbox available if needed
But not right away.
I really want a set of Trampa VESC’s but they’re out of my budget for now. My checking account has no money in it This was a bad time for it to blow…
I could dip into my savings/emergency fund but that’s supposed to be for a working car. I keep telling myself I won’t take anything out of it for esk8 but this is an emergency I tell myself…
Damnit, I bought an amazon unity.
Fuck Bezos
Fuck Jason
Fuck my morals and my money