The Suspected Privacy Breach – What happened, mistakes we made, and how we’ll proceed

Yes everyone only gets one account, by the rules duplicate accounts are to be merged. He had the DRI account for a while now


But business accounts and personal accounts are separate entities. @Lee_Wright and @ApexBoards comes to mind.


Ok, guess that makes sense. Kind of wierd way to go about it but seems logical. Just would hate it if people starting getting banned because they rubbed someone the wrong way…

This is not the case with vendors. Not my place to say why he was banned but can definitely have a personal and business account.


He publicly posted Pm’s several times. (The why he did it is not the topic here)

Can’t say if that ultimately was the reason but those are the main broken rules i can remember right now.


TLDR? I was AWOL for 10 days.

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I don’t mean the DerelictRobot account was deleted because he has DRI, just that he’s not silenced because he still has an active account to use

I think it was deleted because Andrew was getting super in Damon’s face after being told that it was being handled and he needed to step down and let it be handled

if I remember right he has a history of disregarding rules and stuff when they are to his gain, which is just generally uncool

Don’t quote me though, I am not sure as I don’t actively track what goes on with him


correct, that shouldn’t be the problem since we have Lee as Apex, Brian as Sabre etc.

that sounds more like it. That and the PM thing.

All in all, something only Damon or Andrew himself can answer


I think so too, but I doubt we will get that answer. I feel Andrew will stand that he did nothing wrong and Damon has bigger fish to fry


Just trying to recap for myself and others.

So, the only new information we now have from this statement is:

And the mistake that started this whole drama was:

I.e., communication and trust issues. Bummer :disappointed:

Unresolved questions for the admins, related or not.

Question 1.

Obviously after Zach and Bill acting like they did, I see the temptation to boot them, because wtf, they weren’t acting as agreed. However, unless you can & want to somehow share your private conversations, we can only either assume this was a miscommunication, or we have a “he said - she said” scenario.

Both Zach and Bill have been upstanding examples of moderators as you said yourself, and do this as volunteers. There hasn’t been a set precedent for these kinds of issues, so kicking them seems unreasonably harsh. This makes me and others suspicious as to why they haven’t been reinstated and we could all just move on.

Question 2.

(Not what his public statement full of dirty laundry was, but rather WHY did he read PMs, or does he claim to have triggered the log entry in other ways?)

Question 3.

Please share the reason for deleting @DerelictRobot’s account. (Just so that people stop asking)

Edit: Will be answered later in a different thread.

Short answer that was retracted (might be inaccurate!)

Question 4.

How soon can we expect to see new mods / official talks about the new mods beginning?

Question 5.

Although I respect the fuck out of you @longhairedboy, me and some other people have concerns that mods should not also be vendors, as it creates a conflict of interest at times. The only example I can give that I’m aware of this actually happening was when either Andrew or Sean put a picture of a Witchblade board in the shitty DIY thread to spite you, which then got removed. I was wondering if you’d be open to the possibility of revoking mod privileges for vendors such as yourself overtime, if / when the new mod team proves their worth.

Thank you.
I’m heading to bed; it’s 4am. will respond to anything I said that was wrong later. zzz…




I still stand by what I said

@BillGordon is my favorite




I’m sorry, i should not have posted that. That’s really something that should have been answered later in a different thread. It will be answered though.

I apologize.


So are @BillGordon and @Zach gonna comment on this at all?
I’m glad we are finally getting a full run down, it would just be helpful to hear other POVs.
I know we won’t hear Andrew’s since one account in banned and the other is silenced, but hearing from the former mods world be nice.


All we can go on is assumption (regarding what they’re thinking now) but they’re probably too pissed and simply over the whole fuckstorm to say anything on the matter.


#BringBackGillBordron :face_with_monocle:


Most anticlimactic response ever.
Lots of words used to say not much more than was already evident.

Also excuse me if I don’t believe you have actually understood your mistakes or just react to feedback.
When I stated the fact that Zack and Bill were silenced before Mike you felt it was completely justified.
As if 2 different people wrote that response but I will keep the answer from the owner of the forum.


Possibly, there could be a vote of the community on how to proceed, e.g. which moderators to bring back and which not?

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One person , two different perspectives.

Im curious to see what happens with the forum. Either way I vote to minimize the drama and just get back to talking esk8. The world needs more forgiveness in it