Moderators/staff serious after 150. Serious. 😂

Inb4 LHB! :smiley:


@eskateboardbuilder Jase I’m not ready for you to like my posts.

/edit Just putting it out there, you can fuck right off.


Just putting this out there I know LHB was the creator and initial funder of the forum, but I was under the impression that he stepped down from admin roles? I mean unlike the other admins it’s not shown on his account, why?


He stepped down from being a moderator I think.




That is absolutely NOT how it went down, and furthermore, there is zero evidence that it went down this way. Just very loud people shouting it.

I swear if you guys don’t get answers within a day or two you’ll just speculate yourselves to death. We have other obligations beyond this forum that we are actively having to work around in order to gather what we’ve needed in order to complete a formal statement.

It was exactly this kind of impatience and unwillingness to actually investigate what really happened that caused the leaks to happen to begin with. WTF is it with people? I’ve been accused of “swinging in out of nowhere and making snap decisions with no evidence” from a number of people in the recent past regarding other issues. Why the hell would I do that here? This shit actually matters way more than who jason might be this week. And why are all of you?

That’s right. Because we weren’t exactly sure of what exactly happened, and the two other people decided that instead of trying to figure it out like we agreed, they would follow their impulses instead. Except only one was aware that we even had a plan because the other wasn’t an admin. Which means they acted alone without approval and we can’t have that either.

The admins had this discussion, not the mods. Yes two mods were admins, but semantics. What you do is you remove the people who are in a position of control from the position of control so that they will stop royally fucking your shit up so you can figure out what really happened.

Of course it does. As intended.

Wanda literally tried to ban me over the shit post i made before i went to the beach. You can’t ban the owner of the forum. That’s how aware Wanda was of our organization.

Failing rather successfully i beleive.

(regarding ability to read pms )

This is the big difference. No actual Admin person should read conversations started by other pople that did not include them. I have tabled a plan that could put an end to the very possibility. I don’t think seeing it has hjappened after the fact is good enough, especially when it looks like it happened but may not have happened.

or starters, its incredibly stupidly easy for an admin to accidentally read a PM. Especially if they started it and then left it but still had it bookmarked somewhere. It’s not like clicking on the link will present a dialog saying “hey, you’re not part of this group anymore, silly!” It does not. It just lets you in. Because admin.

Also, actually reading PMS isn’t the only time that log type is made. It will also make an entry when an admin splits a post into PM and even when SYSTEM deletes or cleans up old shit.

Going back and forth between two people who are already having a hard time getting along and starting more shit is not exactly mod material, though threatening the owner of the forum with correspondence course voodoo magic in order to achieve level 4 status is pretty damned funny, i’ll admit.

And 3) try to talk to bill who hasn’t been responding because he’s too busy passing out screenshots of our admin panel that we now realize aren’t even what he thinks they are.

All of you just wait. Our side is coming, and its not going to be a reflexive, shoot from the hip kind of thing.

Jamie and I are still putting together the post but it will happen very soon. Meanwhile I’ve got more orders than ever coming in because i’m not in business anymore, and my refrigerator busted a water line and leaked all over my goddamn garage floor through the kitchen wall, and I have a day job that is in the middle of crunch time.

And I would also like to point out that i have been threatened, personally, over the phone and in text, with lawyers and even violence over this by multiple people.

If i can keep my chill in the middle of this fucking week, i expect you guys to do the same.


Wait back the fuck up. What court accepted material would a lawyer have to hold you accountable for actions by others in a public forum on the internet?


That’s my point. Everything leading up to this single event is filled with posturing. I tell them don’t threaten me, and i block their number.

Meanwhile, people are trumpeting half truths and statements that can’t be proven as facts.

We’ll have a statement soon.


Will this statement be about what you decided to do about this situation or will we have your side of the whole story? We are getting bits and pieces mixed with some assumptions. I am all for giving you guys time to figure shit out but I would like to know the whole story as to what led to this situation. And I hope all the parties will be able or willing to discuss it here.

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So you’d like a statement, before the statement…?. :rofl:

Maybe chill…?


Yep and the after statement too.

I want to know exactly what happened because I am getting a description of people different from who I thought they were and it doesn’t seem right.


Maybe that’s why you (we) should wait…


I am always (almost) very chill, I am just very curious and don’t like drama as much as I’d like to know who is who.


Good point, i will wait.

Just take my comment as any expectation for this upcoming presentation.


and yet you remain vigorously stirring the drama pot


It’s easy to get swept away in the drama.
Fuck that tho

:zap: :skateboard: :zap:


You and me both man.


Not my intention, I want truth and I just hope we won’t get half of it.


I like skateboard


you win I’m outta here :upside_down_face: