The Suspected Privacy Breach – What happened, mistakes we made, and how we’ll proceed

Bill’s version of events can be found here -->


Thanks for sharing that. Really clears up a lot of things and I fully understand if Zach or Bill never came back.

Dear everyone who was affected, (@DRI)
Im deeply saddened by how poorly treated you were, Andrew. I might not agree with everything you do or say, but I can discern injustice when I see it. Hopefully it won’t hinder your passion for esk8 progression. Without a doubt, your knowledge and skills will ascend esk8 to a whole entire level and it would be a shame to lose all of that because of pure foul play and horrendous mishandling on leadership’s part. But regardless of which “side” we choose, I think we all believe nothing will ever be the same for us who’ve been here since the beginning of esk8 news.


It’s been an eventful couple of days on the forum. Filled with vitriol and bickering. People picking sides for Gosh knows why. I’m sure there’s more sides to tell of this drama and perhaps more revelations to come, but I think I’ve seen enough to say I’m going to pull my patron donation next month. Some changes need to be made in this place and I think an idea of what is evident. Hopefully these changes are done sooner rather than later.


I can’t believe this took you days to write…

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wow. @mmaner is total garbage.

Andrew is literally at the center of this entire controversy…
this place sucks


He’s been used as a scapegoat here. It’s how longhairedboy gets away with being a dumb dick tyrant every so often when he decides to take action on topics he shouldn’t. It’s free too…


Go back to builders? Oh wait

There aren’t many other option esk8 specific related. Freeesk8? Seems imo to be much more centered on the brand’s products than a general view of all possibilities.


It’s weird that you of all people chime in…

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How so? I’m not allowed an opinion anymore?
After all of this, I still like Mike for everything he’s done for me. His recent (proven) actions show he’s not just a nice guy, but who is? I still want bill back though :disappointed_relieved:

Not seeing it

Not happening
I took a hiatus thx to that asshole and I don’t intend on going anywhere for another

You sure seem to be very interested in Andrew, is all.

It’s creepy.

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Wait what? :joy: No I’m not interested in him.

I’d like to know the whole fracking story but there’s too much added personal opinions from every participant. The only viewpoint that seems to have not included excessive opinions to this point are the screenshots of bill.
As weird and wrong as it sounds, I wish we could see the backend discussions during this story. It would atleast be unbiased

You’re not going to get the whole story here. That’s apparent and obvious. Just read the first post.

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That’s the thing. I don’t think we’re gonna get it (with all viewpoints) anywhere. So what next?

Yup this is helping for sure :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Outside looking in…

So what about @BillGordon?
Is he back?
No way we loose him, he’s the coolest around


Doubt he’d come back after being treated so poorly…


he is not from what i understand