"The Overkill Express" A daily commuter/track weapon

Ok ok fine, I’ll stop lurking and actually make a post. Happy now @jack.luis ?

@IDEA Deck, MTB Brackets, and custom 22x22 60-72mm C-to-C motor mounts
@eBoosted DS enclosure
@Titoxd1000 Duality Trucks
20s4p p45b Battery
MakerX D100s
@Skyart 170kv motors
Stooge gears
@tomiboi Hubba Hubs
Xcell or Meepo Cyclone 165mm tires for now, we’ll see

The goal of this build is to make something that I can casually commute on, go on the DCESK8 group rides, and take to the track all in one. That means it has to meet these criteria:

  1. Reliable
  2. Decent range (20 - 30 miles)
  3. Look good
  4. Fast AF

With all of the hype around the new @Titoxd1000 Duality trucks, and @hoytkid messaging me up EVERY time he decides to do a group buy of any sort, I decided to pull the trigger. Trying @tuckjohn 's Nothing Fancy at CarveSEA helped convince me too.

and boy are they gorgeous. So thicc.

As for the deck, I wanted something that looks great, is relatively compact so I can bring it into the office, and mayyybe I have a habit of extending the wheelbase of things with metal brackets. So that only left me one option: @IDEA

I also worked with @IDEA through @hoytkid to get some shorter motor mounts made for the Duality trucks, since I wanted to try something a bit different and run open gears to be as loud and obnoxious as possible. As a former motorcycle rider as well, loud = safe, right?

After getting all of the parts together, time to test and see if everything fits!

Woohoo, it all went together nicely! I even got my buddy Brian (an awesome rider and machinist from Richmond, VA who comes up to DC to ride often) to make some keyway cuts in the pinion gear for a key, since none of the ones I could find had one. Being an early Boardnamics drive owner, I’d rather not rely exclusively on green loctite. Gear lock-ups suck.

As for the battery, I commissioned the legend @slizer18 to throw together my 20s4p with Molicel p45b cells. Beautiful work, and a pleasure to work and ride with. As always.

With all of the parts together in one place, time to throw it together! I recruited my buddy @MacKeeper28 to assist me in building it. I negotiated him down to 3 Corona Extras and my assistance in building his new board in the future as payment. He’s definitely not being held captive to help me build it, just look at that smile.

And voila! It’s done! After a full day of installing and fighting with inserts and enclosure screws, the build is complete-ish. More changes to come, but it’s definitely rideable, and definitely meets the criteria of being fast AF.

Ended up having plenty of clearance too! Not even scraping at full lean with a double stack enclosure.

Did my first real ride with it today, and the Duality trucks are incredible. Such a perfect balance of high-speed stability and low-speed maneuverability. Genuinely surprised how well this turned out. Thanks to everyone who assisted me with this build, it’s going to see plenty of abuse in the near future.


Nice build!! Super sleek.

Looks like it’s got a great stance to it. I can feel the ride though pictures alone.

Experiment with bushing setups at all?

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Thanks man! I haven’t started fucking with the bushings yet, but when I get some time to screw around with it I definitely will.

The stock setup works wayyy better than I expected, basically no dialing-in needed. Once I get it on the track I’ll start messing with it.


Very clean! What does the gear ratio work out to be?

I appreciate it! I went with the 67T gears from stooge, and my pinion gears are 14T, so 4.78ish.

Seems to be a solid combo of top speed and torque right now, I can hit 40mph and still chirp the rear wheels during launches.


Great build! I hope the hubs work out for you.


Sweet build can’t wait to see in action :call_me_hand:t3:

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You’ll see it tomorrow! Thanks again for getting the keyway for the gears cut, gives me so much more peace of mind when riding.

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I am deeply offended that the grip tape design is not phallic (as per my request)


When I think of the perfect eskate build, this is pretty damn close. Super sick dude!


You’re just not using your imagination


beautiful build dude.

i just had him make me and another guy some sets but 60-82 for the duality’s. glad they fit well. how much of your motor shaft did you cut off?


Uhhh actually I have no idea lol, I didn’t cut these shafts. I bought them second-hand from @jack.luis , I think he was using them for apex drives before?

Also just realized I wrote the wrong motor kv, they’re 151 not 170.

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Jackson, are those the motors i sold you? :joy:

Goddamn this is BOTY material. Too early to nominate it for 2025?


Nice work on this build, multi use boards are the best. Looking forward to updates as you get more time on it.

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Bro you clearly got space for 24s cmon :smile:


Last minute updates since I’m in the running for BOTY, woohoo!

Figured I should say some things about the board since I have ~400 miles on it, and there have been some slight changes.

These Duality trucks are just… wow. Great work by @Titoxd1000, these things are sick. Incredibly maneuverable at low speed, and feel stable at 40mph+ too. Combined with the stiff @IDEA deck and brackets it’s a relatively stiff ride, but it feels super buttoned up and incredibly accurate. Exactly what I was going for.

The range is… less amazing, even with the larger capacity P45b cells. I’m getting around 20-25 miles cruising, which is absolutely good enough for most group rides and quadruple my commute distance.

On the bright side, it feels super punchy even on the lower end of the battery, and has enough torque to kick out pretty much any tire I’ve tried on it so far. I was fishtailing too often on acceleration with the 7in SKP tires, so I went back down to the165mm meepo cyclone tires and it’s sticking most of the time.

As for the open gears, they seem to be holding up perfectly. No noticeable gear wear after decent mileage, hard city riding, and some light off-roading. Seems like the custom-cut keyway and added key seems to be holding up great too. I haven’t found any downside to daily-riding open gears.

As a bonus, people fear my board scream and get out of my way with impressive speed.

Lastly, aesthetic updates. Shout-out to @ChrisLips for letting me snag his brand new Newbee v1 Pentagrams (RIP to your hypothetical diy mtb). Sheeesh these look good. Very balanced, and not too much heavier than the Hubba Hubs.

Overall, I couldn’t be more pleased with it. Only things left to do are adding inserts for a front binding for racing, and adding fire-proofing between the D100S and battery. After a recent…mishap with a D100S in one of my other boards, I don’t trust them nearly as much. I would rather not take out the rest of my board in the processing of popping another.

Goodbye, sweet prince. You will be forever remembered on my office/workshop wall.


Out here giving @Evwan PTSD :rofl:


Therapy has gone a long way