I’ll check
Turn on the real-time APP data to see if the remote control inputs are normal.
Connecting flipsky vx1 and vx2 by uart using both receiver types to the DV4s, and every time I turn the board on it starts in reverse. If I switch into reverse mode on the remote (throttle back and press setting button) then the wheel direction changes and the board is totally predicable. If I turn it off/on the wheel direction starts in reverse again… Is this a vesc programming thing or something to do with the DV4s?
You can invert motor direction on the main page of vesc tool.
That should fix it.
Thank you, I’m an idiot… I think vesc has conditioned me to look for the most obscure answer to most simple problems…
You’d think this was a builder community, but in reality its a giant support group for those who use vesctool
Hi, Im Pedro and I also do the vesctool
My power button just became stuck in the depressed state, it won’t come back out.
Sounds like me
Where do I find that
Motor config > general > advanced
Try setting Duty Cycle Current Limit Start to 90%, if that fails try 95%
Do you want blood on your hands? Jesus fuck leave that at 85. That’s there for a reason.
how to indirectly kill someone 101
What exactly does that settings do?
The esc tapers off near top speed ti protect you and itself. This makes the safety margin smaller, which is dangerous.
Ya I’m gonna leave that right where it is. Any ideas on the noise coming from the motors?
that kinda tapping noise when at max duty cycle freespinning in the air? normal
my meepo and boosted boards never did that
Yeah well those boards don’t have vescs