Why wouldn’t they be compatible. They work fine with the exception of the torque / cutoff issue.

for those interested i found the issue. the motor calibration was setting my motors at 14poles but when i opened one up i found it had 12 poles. recalibrated and everything is good!

loving this little esc.


Are you sure you have set the left ESC shutdown mode to ALWAYS ON?

Ah that’ll do it

Looks like this code isn’t working anymore?

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15%off entire order?

Or just for the DV4s?


Entire order :hugs:

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Oh hell yes


I flashed my new DV4s with 6.02 firmware, and setup the right side ESC shutdown to OFF_ AFTER_ 10M, and left side to ALWAYS_ON over can bus.
However, doesn’t look like auto shutdown is working. After I turn off receiver and leave it, esc is still on.
How can I get the shutoff and roll to start to work properly?

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just got my DV4s installed and setting it up now, is there a guide to getting roll to start working properly? and can I update to FW6 or should I stick with the FW5.3 that shipped on it?

Ok well it seems like everything just works perfectly out of 4he box, I just needed to make sure the app settings were correct.

Roll to start is awesome idk how I lived without this feature. It’s like having the board always on without the unnecessary drain.

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I’m still on 5.3, for me I just stick to what’s working.

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So I’ve been out of the game for a while can someone explain to me the hype for the Dv4? Is it the price and performance?

When I was still around and active it was v6 or bust unless you had an OG Focbox. Now I’m in the process of coming back and seeing hype on the dv4 which is priced aggressive AF (from what I remember) so that’s awesome but from this thread its all I can see. I would like to be enlightened since I’ve lost much of my ‘insider’ knowledge being gone so long.

Edit: Apologies for the slight derail.


small af with some beefy amp rating, also got built in AS, so no more extra hardware just for on/off


The biggest benefit is its size to proformance to cost.

It’s not more “powerful”(can handle more power) than the dv6, or skp solos, but not everyone needs that kind of power.

I got one because I’m confined on space and doing a 12s build.

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Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing some firmware breakthrough buried deep somewhere in a thread from between 0-2+ years ago that makes v4 hardware more appealing beyond those facets.

Read through the thread, is a great unit for sure. If I didnt already have a dv6 on a shelf I’d consider trying it out to save a few bucks :smiley:

Less than 200 bucks for a VESC that can do 12S 2x100A phase makes it extremely appealing for budget builds, or a drop in upgrade to an OEM board.


It might only be vesc4 but that still beats any hobbywing or LingYi shit in a prebuilt


I suspect these would also be great for a 4WD setup since with 4WD you don’t really need excessive amps at every wheel which also reduces the need for extra heatsinking.

Curious if anyone is running these without any extra heatsinking and what kinds of ESC temps they are seeing.


@jaykup might have some words about this

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Because there’s a dearth of small but capable VESC-based ESCs. Not everyone is building alpine mountain boards that go 88 miles per hour.

Some of us like 6kg boards we can take into a crowded train.